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Marcin Stodolski

$classes = classNames( “qx-element qx-element-{$type} {$field[‘class’]}”, $visibilityClasses, [
“wow {$field[‘animation’]}” => $field[‘animation’],
“qx-hvr-{$field[‘hover_animation’]}” => $field[‘hover_animation’]
] );

// Animation delay
$animation_delay = ”;
if( $field[‘animation’] AND array_key_exists(‘animation_delay’, $field) ){
$animation_delay = ‘data-wow-delay=”‘. $field[‘animation_delay’] .’s”‘;

Assets::Js(‘qx-countdown’, QUIX_URL.”/app/elements/countdown/js/jquery.countdown.min.js”);

$date = ”;

$date_json = json_decode($field[‘date’]);
$date = $date_json->string;
$time = $field[‘time’];

<div id=”<?php echo $id;?>” class=”<?php echo $classes?>” <?php echo $animation_delay; ?>>
<div id=”<?php echo $id;?>_clock”></div>

<script type=”text/javascript”>
jQuery(‘#<?php echo $id;?>_clock’).countdown(‘<?php echo $date .’ ‘. $time ?>’, function(event) {
var $this = jQuery(this).html(event.strftime(”
+ ‘<div class=”days”><span>%-D</span> <?php echo JText::_(“Dni”); ?></div> ‘
+ ‘<div class=”hours”><span>%H</span> <?php echo JText::_(“Godzin”); ?></div> ‘
+ ‘<div class=”minutes”><span>%M</span> <?php echo JText::_(“Minut”); ?></div> ‘
+ ‘<div class=”seconds”><span>%S</span> <?php echo JText::_(“Sekund”); ?></div> ‘
.on(‘finish.countdown’, function(event) {
jQuery(this).html(‘<?php echo $field[‘offer_expired’]; ?>’)

Did not help 🙁

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