
Particles 2.3.0 (June 13, 2024)

  • Added
    Uikit atom libraries 3.21.5 updated
  • Added
    Card, Gird card, Content Grid, Tab, Card Slider: Add expand option for the title grid width
  • Added
    Gird card: Add Lightbox feature
  • Added
    Card, Gird card, Content Grid, Timeline, Card Slider: Add Expand content option for Image, Content and both
  • Added
    Card: Add fill column space option
  • Added
    Member: Add link panel, link image and image transition option
  • Fixed
    Carousel Joomla: Fix broken link tags
  • Fixed
    Fix markup regarding accessibility for Card Slider, Carousel, Team Member, Featurebox, Tab, Timeline, Newsticker, and Slideshow particles.
  • Changed
    Card, Gird card, Content Grid, Tab, Card Slider: Remove the panel padding option. The blank panel style is now using the same padding option as the Card/Tile style.
  • Changed
    Improved Notification particle
  • Changed
    Countdown: Replace text field with Date Time field option
  • Changed
    Featurebox, Content Grid, Article Gallery, Grid Card, Team Member, Gallery: Improved Parallax option

Particles 2.2.12 (May 15, 2024)

  • Added
    Joomla 5 demo Quickstart package
  • Added
    Text particle: Add html element option
  • Added
    Add Tag Attributes option across all particles
  • Added
    Articles Gallery: Add parallax option and pagination mode
  • Added
    Articles Gallery, Tile Joomla/Wordpress/Grav: Add pagination mode
  • Added
    Add parallax animation for Card Slider, Carousel, Slideshow
  • Added
    List particle: Add new list type options
  • Added
    Add row gap option for contact info particle
  • Added
    Add aria label for Grid, Card Slider, Gallery, Popover particle
  • Added
    Grav: Add pagination for Content List particle
  • Added
    Calendar: Add new mini style for Calendar particle
  • Fixed
    Card slider, Popover: Fix title link being applied if item link is not set
  • Fixed
    Timeline: Fix zindex issue on RTL layout
  • Fixed
    Joomla 5: Content Grid, Article List error on previous/next button
  • Changed
    Improved calendar particle layout
  • Changed
    Improved Slideshow Grav, Slideshow WordPress
  • Changed
    Remove Joomla 3 demo quickstart package.

Particles 2.2.11 (April 02, 2024)

  • Added
    Uikit atom libraries 3.19.2 updated
  • Changed
    Overlay: Remove duplicate target option
  • Changed
    Improved instafeed layout (Grid/Slider)
  • Fixed
    Fix tag filter for Faq, Grid Card and Filter Gallery particle.

Particles 2.2.10 (December 14, 2023)

  • Added
    Navbar: Add the columns resize for Extended style
  • Added
    Navbar: Implement Dropdown custom width for extended style (none sketch mode)
  • Added
    Navbar: Add Dropbar animation for mobile mode
  • Added
    Uikit atom libraries 3.17.11 updated
  • Added
    Testimonial: Add match height for Slider mode
  • Changed
    Navbar: Replace class jl-main-nav with el-horiz-nav
  • Changed
    Update jlparticle.scss file
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Fix icon/image icon not being applied to parent menu item (Extended style)
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Correct the Dropbar dialog animation that is not closing properly
  • Fixed
    Back to top: Fix custom section id not being applied.

Particles 2.2.9 (November 18, 2023)

  • Added
    Add parallax justify for content grid/featurebox/member/pricing table/testimonial
  • Added
    Vertical Nav: Add Offset for Dropnav
  • Added
    Navbar 1.1.5: Add Dropbar mode, align to navbar for Dropdown
  • Added
    Uikit atom libraries 3.17.10 updated
  • Improved
    Improved Newsticker particle
  • Improved
    Improved Navbar particle

Particles 2.2.8 (October 06, 2023)

  • Added
    Navbar: Add dialog option for all header styles (except modal/toggle headers) with features to show menu items, social icons, search form, custom html and modules. The dialog option supports 03 modes: Offcanvas, Modal and Dropbar
  • Added
    Uikit atom libraries 3.17.1 updated
  • Added
    Offcanvas content: Add options to Process Twig/Shortcode
  • Added
    Add modes pack (default) and next to Grid/Gallery’s masonry option
  • Added
    Add OnePage Navigation atom
  • Added
    Tab: Add item max width option
  • Added
    Add Parallax Start, Parallax End, Parallax Justify option to Grid/Gallery/Filter Gallery particle
  • Added
    All particles: Add 3XL size modifier to Heading style
  • Added
    Vertical Nav: Add Boundary and Background scrolling for Dropnav menu style
  • Added
    Newsticker: Add title font weight and title margin right option
  • Added
    Simple counter: Add custom formatters (space, commas) to present the number
  • Added
    Grid, Filter Gallery, Faq: Add order the filter navigation alphabetically or by defining the order manually
  • Fixed
    Fix PHP 8.1/8.2 Error while rendering Content slider, slideshow Joomla, Timeline Joomla particle
  • Fixed
    Slideshow: Fix Slideshow Max Height not being applied
  • Fixed
    Article list: Fix custom title color and title font size not being applied
  • Improved
    Navbar: Improved the layout rendering for Navbar particle
  • Improved
    Navbar: Now you can force Gantry5 mobile menu (Offcanvas) instead using Uikit mobile modes, please check this tutorial
  • Fixed
    Fix blank page with Vertical Nav if more than one particle is added
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Fix blank page if module id/custom html is not existing

Particles 2.2.7 (September 01, 2023)

  • Fixed
    Fix regression in carousel, content slider, card slider particle
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Fix disconnecting Sticky component
  • Improved
    Modal module: Improved modal module ID
  • Added
    Uikit atom libraries 3.16.24 updated
  • Added
    Timeline: Add shortcode support for content field
  • Added
    Team member: Add custom Link field for member item

Particles 2.2.6 (May 19, 2023)

  • Fixed
    Menu Canvas: Fix Center vertically not being applied
  • Fixed
    Simple counter: Fix icon font not being applied if icon alignment assigned to left/right
  • Fixed
    Pricing table: Fix feature list not rendering if only one item is added
  • Fixed
    Vertical Nav: Custom html, search and social not being appear if they are assigned to the above menu position.
  • Improved
    Improved the Navbar justify header layout
  • Improved
    Particle parallax settings
  • Improved
    Quotation particle
  • Added
    Uikit atom libraries 3.16.17 updated
  • Added
    Accordion: Add option to show the dividers between items.
  • Added
    Navbar: Option to show the main menu bar for Toggle mode.
  • Added
    Navbar: Option to show the main menu bar for Toggle mode.
  • Added
    ModalModule: Add option to choose between the default, container width or full width modal
  • Added
    Add search icon to search form modal
  • Added
    Pricing table: Add image icon option
  • Added
    Navbar: Add Subnav Extended feature with three options to present the Dropdown Nav Items: Default, Collapsible, Dropbar
  • Added
    Parallax: Replace the viewport option with start/end animation(documentation updated)
  • Added
    Parallax: Add Transform Origin option(define the origin of the particle’s transformation when scaling or rotating the particle)

Particles 2.2.5 (March 11, 2023)

  • Fixed
    Menu Canvas: Fix Center vertically not being applied
  • Fixed
    Card slider: Fix link card css button not being applied
  • Removed
    Remove _jlbacktotop.scss
  • Changed
    Update Nav with Dropnav component
  • Improved
    Update Card, Card Slider, Grid Card, Content Slider, Content Grid, Member, Timeline card style logic
  • Improved
    Update Overlay, Gallery, Filter Gallery, Carousel, Lightgallery style logic
  • Improved
    Subnav: Change jl-subnav-parent-icon to jl-drop-parent-icon
  • Added
    Uikit 3.16. latest features (WAI-ARIA roles, i18n) for all particles
  • Added
    Brand-new Vertical Nav particle(Joomla/Wordpress), check Vking template for live demo

Particles 2.2.4 (February 12, 2023)

  • Fixed
    Card Slider: Dot navigation not being applied
  • Fixed
    Newsticker: Fix Title background customization not being applied correctly
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Fix parent menu item disappear if menu item type assigned to the separator
  • Fixed
    Card Slider: Fix Card Slider js component missing
  • Fixed
    Video particle: Fix local video Lightbox mode opening a YouTube url instead local video
  • Fixed
    Fix video autoplay not working properly
  • Fixed
    Fix data table particle display wrong characters in Greek
  • Fixed
    Fix duplicate tag filter for Grid, Filter Gallery, FAQ particle
  • Fixed
    Preloader: Fix preloaded animation not working properly with Firefox
  • Fixed
    Fix featurebox image missing alt text
  • Fixed
    Testimonial: Fix slidenav breakpoint not being applied
  • Fixed
    Content toggle: Switcher element not working properly
  • Fixed
    Card slider: Image transition not being applied
  • Fixed
    Card Slider/ Feature box: Slidenav on hover not being applied
  • Fixed
    Countdown: Fix default countdown date/time value rendering
  • Fixed
    Fix Infobar position on RTL layout mode.
  • Fixed
    Card slider: Fix panel item style not being applied
  • Fixed
    Team member: Fix social icons drop positioning on hover
  • Changed
    JL Subnav: Remove accordion mode if submenu items are activated
  • Improved
    Improved Logo Advanced particle
  • Changed
    Navbar: Remove unused logo class option
  • Changed
    _jlparticles.scss updated.
  • Changed
    timeline-rtl.min.css updated.
  • Changed
    timeline.min.css updated.
  • Improved
    Improved Menucanvas accessibility
  • Improved
    Improved inverse color text for Content slider, Gallery, Filter Gallery, Carousel, Carousel Joomla, Article Gallery, Overlay
  • Improved
    Video: Improved code base, add video autoplay to Lightbox animation
  • Improved
    Navbar: Set default width/height attribute if max height is not set
  • Changed
    Rebuild timeline Joomla/WordPress/grav layout
  • Added
    JL Nav Sticky: Add Start/End option for sticky
  • Added
    Grid Columns particle: Add extra attributes option
  • Added
    Video particle: Add new button text option
  • Added
    Add inverse color mode for overlay particle
  • Added
    Preloader: Added new topbar site-wide progress indicator style
  • Added
    Navbar: Add new Navbar Justify and Stacked Justify style (Pro)
  • Added
    Add inverse color mode for overlay particle
  • Added
    Card/Card Slider/Grid Card/Content Grid: Add button text transform
  • Added
    Card/Card Slider/Grid Card: Add icon option for a button
  • Added
    Blockreveal: Add repeat animation and event for watcher.
  • Added
    Backtotop, Infobar: Add right/bottom option to avoid the overlap on hover
  • Added
    Timeline Grab: Add horizontal mode
  • Added
    Add Tile style (default, muted, primary, secondary) for Timeline, Card Slider
  • Added
    Update Uikit css/js libraries to 3.15.24
  • Added
    Add topbar.min.js js for the Preloader topbar progress indicator
  • Added
    Add subnav parent icon to Subnav particle

Particles 2.2.3 (October 15, 2022)

  • Fixed
    Fix Gallery/Filter Gallery/Overlay particle disappear if Image transition “scale-down” is set with lazy load
  • Improved
    Improved Footer Info particle (option to show both icon and title for social)
  • Improved
    Improved Toolbar particle (option to show both icon and title for social)
  • Improved
    Improved Navbar/Nav particle, _jlparticles.scss updated for Navbar and Nav menu item improvement.
  • Improved
    Improved accessibility for all particles.
  • Added
    Content Grid/Content Slider: Option to enable read more button with title
  • Added
    Slideshow Joomla/WP/Grav: Option to enable read more button with title
  • Added
    Accordion/Timeline (Joomla/Wordpress/Grav): Option to enable read more button with title
  • Added
    Accordion WordPress/Grav: Add button font-weight, button text transform option

Particles 2.2.2 (September 29, 2022)

  • Fixed
    JL Member: Improved inverse icon button style if Icon position is assigned to Overlay
  • Fixed
    JL Accordion, Accordion Joomla/Wordpress/Grav: Fix icon left margin overlap
  • Fixed
    Improved Back to top atom
  • Fixed
    JL List: Fix duplicate title transform style
  • Fixed
    JL Description: Fix meta styles not being applied
  • Fixed
    Improved slideshow rendering
  • Fixed
    Fix Header bar top CSS duplicate rendering
  • Fixed
    JL Testimonial: Slidenav on hover not being applied
  • Fixed
    Card/Grid card: Correct the layout if no image is set and image alignment assigned to left/right
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Center vertically(Mobile Menu) not being applied
  • Added
    New Card Slider particle
  • Added
    Update Uikit js libraries to 3.15.10
  • Added
    Lazy load image by default for all particles
  • Added
    JL Gallery/Filter gallery: Add overlay icon mode on hover if no content is set
  • Added
    Add none to gap option in Button particle
  • Added
    Add text small and large options to title, meta and content styles in all particles
  • Added
    Add simple mode for Testimonial
  • Added
    Add step for Progressbar width option

Particles 2.2.1 (July 22, 2022)

  • Fixed
    Fix slideshow min/max height being applied if Height option assigned to Viewport mode
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Fix navbar item font-size overrided the logo text size
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Dropdown text transform not being applied for extended style.
  • Fixed
    Fix notification/alert still appears after cookie is set
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Fix header padding top for stacked header layout not being applied.
  • Fixed
    Correct CSS class for Nav subtitle and Navbar subtitle
  • Fixed
    Content toggle (Grav version) title margin not being applied
  • Added
    Add navbar parent icon to Navbar particle
  • Added
    Tab particle: Add support for Card style options
  • Added
    Navbar particle Lite version for free particle package(jlnavbar.html.twig, jlnavbar.yaml, jlnavcanvas.html.twig)
  • Added
    Full width button option for Card, Grid card, Content Grid
  • Added
    New process shortcode for slideshow particle
  • Added
    Add open and close animation to toggle icon in Navbar component
  • Added
    Url text field option for Navbar particle(Multi-lingual config)
  • Added
    Navbar/Nav: New Secondary style option
  • Added
    Navbar particle(Joomla): Add smooth scroll for Item Hash
  • Added
    Navbar: add dropdown offset option to define a custom offset between the dropdown and its parent item
  • Added
    Navbar: Add dropdown alignment and animation option
  • Changed
    Uikit Css/Js framework updated to 3.15, RTL layout updated.
  • Changed
    Navbar: Remove Navbar Dropdown Divider option, now uses Nav style with dividers option.
  • Changed
    _jlparticles.scss updated
  • Deprecated
    _jlvideo.scss, _jltoggle.scss, _jlteammember.scss, _jlsocialshare.scss, _jlcalendar.scss are deprecated.
  • Improved
    Off canvas content particle
  • Improved
    JL Nav particle
  • Improved
    Menu canvas particle
  • Improved
    Grid card particle

Particles 2.2.0 (March 04, 2022)

  • Fixed
    Gridcard: Between image alignment not being applied.
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Center Vertically not being applied.
  • Fixed
    Slideshow: Slidenav large option not being applied.
  • Fixed
    Navbar: Fixed parent menu item showing dropdown icon and empty dropdown if all children disabled
  • Fixed
    Fix image cover mode (left/right) for content slider mode.
  • Fixed
    Toolbar order for social and subnav not being applied
  • Fixed
    Fixed categories filter in Grav Content particle
  • Added
    Video: Allow to use the button element without poster iframe to handle modal/lightbox video
  • Added
    Tab particle: Font-weight options for title/meta/content
  • Changed
    Uikit Css/Js framework updated to 3.11.1 (packages re-compiled on March 04, 2022)
  • Changed
    Call to action: Improved content alignment
  • Changed
    Refactor Card, Grid, Content Grid, Content Slider, Overlay, Gallery, Filter Gallery, Testimonial, Featurebox, Slideshow particles.
  • Changed
    Allow to set image width/height for Grav content particle using cropZoom

Particles 2.1.9 (January 19, 2022)

  • Added
    All particles: Text transform and font weight option for particle title (general option)
  • Added
    Gallery/Filter gallery: Text transform and font weight for title/meta/content
  • Added
    Slideshow: Add support for video (mp4 format)
  • Added
    Slideshow: Add striptags function for image alt
  • Added
    Uikit framework updated to 3.10.1
  • Added
    Overlay: Custom background, overlay background and blend mode options.
  • Added
    Carousel: Add Title/Meta/content and button font weight option
  • Added
    Back to top: Add option to define a special section id on scroll
  • Added
    Timeline: Add horizontal mode
  • Fixed
    Featurebox: Fix item background image options.
  • Fixed
    Popover: Particle margin and visibility not being applied
  • Fixed
    Member particle: Navigation margin not being applied
  • Fixed
    Light gallery: Animation not being applied
  • Fixed
    Content toggle: Title margin not being applied
  • Fixed
    Accordion/Grid Card/Timeline Joomla/Timeline WordPress and Timeline Grav: Image width/height options not being applied
  • Changed
    timeline.min.css and timeline-rtl.min.css updated for horizontal mode.
  • Changed
    jlvideo.scss and jlparticle.scss updated.
  • Improved
    Featurebox and Testimonial particle improved.

Particles 2.1.8 (December 18, 2021 – Updated December 22, 2021)

Note Latest updated on December 22, 2021 (08 issues fixed)

  • Fixed
    Filter Gallery: Center Columns and Center Row not being applied
  • Fixed
    Joomla/Wordpress/Grav: Dropdown with not being applied for JL Navbar extended style
  • Fixed
    WordPress Content Slider applied wrong cover class
  • Fixed
    Newsletter: Notification popup not being applied.
  • Fixed
    Joomla/Wordpress/Grav: Nav, Navbar, NavCanvas, MenuCanvas particle ( menu issue with Dropdown Submenu and Dropdown direction fix #2972)
  • Fixed
    Content Grid Joomla/Wordpress/Grav: Image not being rendered if image alignment assigned to Between position.
  • Fixed
    All particles: Fix Background Vertical End parallax no longer shows if Vertical start is not set.
  • Fixed
    All particles: Fix Z-index overlap the content if Blend mode and overlay is set for background image
  • Added
    Call to action: Add Font weight for Title/Description and divider option.
  • Added
    Slideshow: Set theme container for default Container width mode (updated jlparticle.scss)
  • Added
    Subnav: Add divider/header format for dropdown item type
  • Added
    Uikit framework updated to 3.9.4
  • Added
    New header styles for navbar. Documentation updated.
  • Added
    Random order for Joomla: Content Grid, Accordion, Content Slider, Slideshow Joomla, Article gallery, Article list, Carousel Joomla, Tiles
  • Updated
    Content Toggle: Add back css class method to switch between particles. Document updated.
  • Added
    Card, Grid Card, Content Grid, Featurebox, Member, Timeline: Add Left title alignment
  • Added
    Process Twig and Process shortcodes for Card content and overlay content
  • Added
    Alert: Add predefined color for title/content
  • Added
    New style for testimonial particle
  • Added
    Newsletter: Add support Font Awesome version 5
  • Fixed
    Countdown: Text transform not being applied
  • Fixed
    Gridcard/Content Grid/Timeline: Meta color not being applied
  • Fixed
    Fix toolbar particle general options
  • Changed
    Javascript: Rename components folder from 2.1.7 to jlcomponents to avoild the conflict with Uikit v2 components. Doc updated.
  • Improved
    Progress bar inline js rendering
  • Changed
    Update Progress bar js script

Particles 2.1.7 (November 06, 2021)

Note Please clear Gantry5 Caches after updating to 2.1.7

  • Added
    New Grid Columns particle for Joomla and WordPress
  • Added
    JL Navbar: SVG option for logo
  • Added
    Left/Right image alignment for Content slider Joomla/Wordpress/Grav
  • Added
    Intense Gallery: Add svg icon options
  • Added
    Custom Slidenav style for Instafeed/Newsticker/Pricelist particle
  • Updated
    Uikit framework updated to 3.8. New Additional components js folder, reduced jluikit.min.js file size. Uikit Atom Documentation updated. If you use particles 2.1.7, please update the Uikit atom and copy components folder to THEMENAME/custom/js folder
  • Added
    Custom decoration width for heading
  • Added
    Grav Tiles: Two styles added and layout improved
  • Added
    Add custom width for background container (updated jlparticle.scss and documentation)
  • Added
    Background support for Toolbar/Newsletter/Newsticker/WP Login form particle
  • Added
    PayPal donate: Add icon picker for Currency codes
  • Updated
    Joomla! 4.0.4 Demo package
  • Updated
    Joomla! 3.10.3 Demo package
  • Updated
    Grab demo package updated to v1.7.24
  • Added
    Social Sharer: Update JS script to 0.4.2. Add font awesome 5 support
  • Added
    Content Slider: Add padding option if none card style is set
  • Updated
    Gantry5 Framework 5.5.4
  • Added
    Parallax Background for all particles: Changed the container max width and add custom width (support rem, em, or px unit values) based on theme breakpoint configuration. Now you can use default width from your theme breakpoint or add custom width value instead using fixed container width. Please check documentation for more details.
  • Fixed
    Carousel/Content Slider/Featurebox/Instafeed/Team Member/Slideshow/Testimonial: Larger style not being applied for Slidenav
  • Fixed
    Tiles Joomla/Wordpress/Grav: Particle Background not being applied
  • Fixed
    Content Grid: Fix Card body not being applied if image is not set.
  • Fixed
    Carousel Joomla: Link transition not being applied
  • Fixed
    Particles SCSS compiles error Gantry5 Version 5.5
  • Fixed
    Fix Navbar drop-down margin not being applied
  • Fixed
    Fix Navbar drop-down margin not being applied
  • Fixed
    Team member: Fix social drop animation on hover.
  • Improved
    Timeline: Improved the card if no date is set.
  • Changed
    Content Slider: Group Overlay and Card tab into Layout tab
  • Changed
    Content Slider: Added the Item style mode. If you are using Content Slider, please open the particle settings and hit save to apply the new layout mode.
  • Improved
    Improved the Uikit performance, added additional js components, reduced the css/js file size(50%). (Uikit Atom documentation updated).

Particles 2.1.6 (October 20, 2021)

Note Please clear Gantry5 Caches after updating to 2.1.6

  • Added
    Add custom Prev/Nex svg options for Card, Feature Box, Grd, Carousel, Content Slider, Slideshow, Slideshow Joomla/Wordpress/Grav
  • Added
    New icon background color options for feature box particle
  • Added
    Joomla 4 smart search for Search particle
  • Added
    Uikit framework updated to 3.7.6
  • Added
    Navbar(Joomla/Wordpress/Grav): New dropdown mode for mobile menu animation
  • Added
    Process Twig/Shortcode feature for image modal content.
  • Added
    New Toolbar particle
  • Added
    Navbar: New Stacked header layout
  • Added
    Image Alt for Slideshow particle
  • Added
    Joomla! 4.0.3 Demo package
  • Added
    Open Street Map: Add leaflet-providers options, no need to set access token and map box style. Mapbox style is now optional.
  • Added
    Navbar: New mobile logo options, now you can assign the logo to the left/right/center or hide the logo on mobile devices.
  • Added
    InstaFeed script updated 2.0.0
  • Added
    Update particles Font-awesome(ver 4/5)
  • Fixed
    Fix Navbar widget wordpress rendering
  • Fixed
    JL Tiles Joomla: Fix show editing button not being applied for style 5 and style 7
  • Fixed
    Gallery/Filter gallery: Fix show content and show title not being applied on Lightbox Only mode (Thanks pmoreno)
  • Fixed
    Fix Open Street Map caused js error
  • Fixed
    Particles SCSS compiles error Gantry5 Version 5.5
  • Fixed
    Fix Navbar drop-down margin not being applied
  • Fixed
    Fix Navbar drop-down margin not being applied
  • Fixed
    Team member: Fix social drop animation on hover.
  • Improved
    Search result for search particle(Joomla)
  • Changed
    Improved Filter tags for Grid, Filter Gallery, FAQ particle.
  • Changed
    Improved the layout settings for Navbar particle

Particles 2.1.5 (March 20, 2021)

Note Please clear Gantry5 Caches after updating to 2.1.5

  • Added
    New JL Nav particle for Joomla/Wordpress/Grav.
  • Added
    Clipping offset for card style (Slider mode): Team member, Featurebox, Content slider(BeforeAfter)
  • Added
    Filter Animation for Grid, Filter Gallery
  • Added
    New icon option for Accordion particle
  • Added
    X-Large (Large Screens) breakpoint for FAQ, Gallery
  • Added
    Subnav Behavior option for Navbar particle
  • Fixed
    Content Grid layout broken if pagination is set
  • Fixed
    Timeline: Fix Switcher items on mobile/tablet devices
  • Fixed
    Fix item class not being applied (Featurebox, thanks @pmorenoreported)
  • Fixed
    Fix show download button not being applied (Lightgallery, thanks @pmorenoreported)
  • Fixed
    Price List: slider images not working if there’s one image.
  • Changed
    Grid and Filter Gallery: Update Filter function for Uikit 3.6.18
  • Changed
    Improved navbar particle(Joomla/Wordpress/Grav)

Particles 2.1.4 (November 22, 2020)

Note Please clear Gantry5 Caches after updating to 2.1.4

  • Added
    Brand new JL Navbar particle for Joomla/Wordpress/Grav.
  • Added
    JL List: Add marker, marker color and column options for list settings.
  • Added
    JL Alert: Add title style and html element for the title settings. Add new link field.
  • Added
    JL Description: Add html element for title style
  • Added
    Add meta html element option for all particles, improved code base
  • Added
    JL GridCard: Add X-Large (Large Screens) option for filter grid breakpoint
  • Added
    Add latest Uikit 3.5.8 scripts for Uikit 3 Gantry5 Atom
  • Added
    New options for image grid width ( All particles that contain media and left/right assignment)
  • Added
    New auto column option for Grid columns.
  • Added
    New content drop cap, content columns options.
  • Added
    JL Intensegallery: New color options for fig caption.
  • Added
    Facebook particles: Add Lazy Loading.
  • Added
    JL Testimonial: Add new image grid width options, image grid column gap, image grid row gap.
  • Added
    JL Featurebox: New process twigs and process shortcode feature for content style
  • Added
    JL Content Toggle: Add options to pick a Joomla module/Wordpress widget for content before/after
  • Added
    JL Pricing table: Improved codebase, new column layout for slider mode.
  • Added
    JL Tiles(Joomla/Wordpress): New styles added.
  • Added
    JL Calendar: Multiple Locale Support
  • Added
    JL Pricing table: New list style options for feature list.
  • Added
    New center column/row options.
  • Added
    New jlmeta-joomla.html.twig and jlmeta-wordpress.html.twig for JL Tiles (WordPress/Joomla).
  • Added
    New Padding setting if none card style is set (Card/Gridcard/Content Grid/Timeline).
  • Fixed
    JL Alert: Fix content style not being applied
  • Fixed
    JL image: Fix Lightbox and modal popup, moved modal popup to target option
  • Fixed
    JL Carousel: Fix divider is set if the column gap assigned to NONE and Button transition not being applied
  • Fixed
    JL Intensegallery: Fix Slidenav color, Slidenav hover not being applied.
  • Fixed
    JL Timeline: Fix cover image not being applied and responsive issue.
  • Fixed
    JL Featurebox: Fix image breakpoint cls default mode.
  • Fixed
    JL Lightgallery: Fix color customization not being applied.
  • Fixed
    JL Menu Canvas: Fix Header not clickable for push animation (Off-canvas mode). Fix nav header color not being applied
  • Fixed
    JL Offcanvas: Fix duplicate divider if content canvas is blank. Set item header if the item link is empty, now you can add module positions or pick a custom module for content.
  • Fixed
    JL Price List: Title style customization not being applied.
  • Fixed
    JL article gallery: Fix show edit link not being applied.
  • Fixed
    JL Modal module: Improved toggle ids to avoid the duplicate on click, Thanks Davide Strati.
  • Fixed
    JL Intense: Animation delay not being applied.
  • Changed
    JL Tiles: Fix particle title styles/color not being applied for default value. Improved grid layout style 4
  • Changed
    JL List: Large padding with list size options.
  • Improved
    Carousel Joomla and Content Slider Joomla/WP codebase.
  • Changed
    JL Tiles: Replace Tiles Style with Overlay style.
  • Changed
    Instafeed: Rework the instafeed particle using new Facebook Basic Display API

Particles 2.1.3 (May 13, 2020)

Note Please clear Gantry5 Caches after updating to 2.1.3

  • Added
    Add option to Show/Hide title inside the content tab (Tabs particle)
  • Added
    Add color, link color and link hover options for contact info particle.
  • Added
    Add option to show first name and last name field for Newsletter particle
  • Added
    Search particle: Add color option for Toggle icon
  • Added
    Simple counter: Add icon color and grid layout settings
  • Added
    Add latest Uikit 3.4.6 scripts for Uikit 3 Gantry5 Atom
  • Added
    Team Member: Add Icon position (below content or overlay on image), Icon overlay style, icon margin, icon overlay transition, icon alignment. Documentation updated for latest 2.1.3
  • Added
    Lightgallery scripts updated to 1.7.0
  • Added
    Video background atom: update jquery.mb.YTPlayer script to 3.3.1
  • Added
    Add Content color, link color, link hover color and font size option for List particle
  • Added
    Add Lightbox support and an icon poster for video particle
  • Added
    New jlvideo.scss file added for video particle
  • Added
    Image particle: Improved styling and add Lightbox support
  • Added
    Tabs particle: Add Process Twig and Process Shortcodes feature for content, now you can load WordPress shortcode or Joomla module (i.e: Modules Anywhere) directly for tab content.
  • Added
    Menu Canvas: Option to change the toggle text font size and hamburger icon
  • Added
    Featurebox: Add match height option to match the height of the direct child of each cell.
  • Added
    Slideshow: Add overlay and blend mode option for image item.
  • Added
    All particles using collections (like Grid, Slideshow, Gallery, so on..): Add option to specify the CSS class name for a unique item, now you can custom css for special item in collections.
  • Fixed
    Hide icon if button mode is enabled (Newsletter particle)
  • Fixed
    Team Member: Fix content background and blend mode not being applied
  • Fixed
    GridCard: Fix center columns and center rows not being applied for none filter mode.
  • Fixed
    Gridcard: Fix masonry and parallax overlap the layout on scrolling if both are set
  • Fixed
    Video: Fix autoplay option
  • Fixed
    Overlay: Fix outline border (Link overlay mode)
  • Fixed
    Content Grid: Remove image margin top class if image is set to top
  • Fixed
    Flipster: Fix image not being applied for blank grid card

Particles 2.1.2 (April 25, 2020)

  • Fixed
    Fix contact info alignment not being applied
  • Fixed
    Fix back to top icon color not being applied
  • Fixed
    Fix Content Grid custom title color not being applied
  • Fixed
    Fix Content Grid and Button Scrollspy animations
  • Fixed
    Fix content array particle not resetting WP query for Timeline WP, Tile WP, Slideshow WP, Post List, Content Slider WP, Content Grid WP, Accordion WP, Post Gallery WP, NewsTicker WP.

Particles 2.1.1 (April 11, 2020)

Important From 2.1.1, The Back To Top, Social Share, Team Member, Calendar and Content Toggle using their custom scss for styling. If you use one of these particles (OLD Version 2.1.0), you MUST upload new scss files and import the particle’s scss file name in custom.scss. Otherwise, it has no visual effect. We added detail documentation about these scss files here

  • Added
    Add latest Uikit 3.4.0 for Uikit 3 Gantry5 Atom
  • Added
    Add link options for Featurebox, Popover, Accordion Joomla, Card, GridCard, ContentGrid, Overlay, Gallery, Timeline, Timeline Joomla/Wordpress
  • Added
    Add link title for Slideshow Joomla/Wordpress
  • Added
    Add new Menu Canvas, Slideshow Grav, Accordion Grav, Tiles Grav, Content List, Timeline Grav, Content Slider Grav, Content Grid Grav for Grav platform
  • Added
    Add Grav Quickstart and Grav theme
  • Added
    Add container class for Timeline to avoid the issue with Section Fullwidth (Flushed Content) mode
  • Added
    Add link title for Slideshow Joomla/Wordpress
  • Added
    Add image breakpoint for article list
  • Added
    Add Prepare Content option for Content Grid, Slideshow Joomla, Content Slider, Carousel Joomla, Accordion Joomla, Tiles Joomla, Timeline Joomla, Article Gallery, Article List. Refer to and
  • Added
    Add Show Edit Link option for Content Grid, Slideshow Joomla, Content Slider, Carousel Joomla, Accordion Joomla, Tiles Joomla, Timeline Joomla, Article Gallery, Article List. Now you can edit articles directly via Joomla front-end. Screenshot
  • Added
    Add new meta style List and Sentence format for Content Grid, Slideshow Joomla, Content Slider, Carousel Joomla, Accordion Joomla, Tiles Joomla/Wordpress, Timeline Joomla/Wordpress, Article Gallery, Article List. Screenshot
  • Added
    Cookie setting for Alert and Notification particle. You can set the Expires date via Particle setting!
  • Added
    Free Nav Sticky particle with breakpoint support based on device sizes.
  • Added
    Socialshare: Add attribute fields
  • Added
    Carousel/Content Slider: Add Image width/height options
  • Added
    Content Toggle: New Process Twig and Shortcode for Content before/after fields.
  • Added
    Divider: Options to customize the border and color
  • Added
    New meta style and Left/Right/Between image alignment for Accordion / Accordion Joomla.
  • Added
    Contact info: Add Column Gap options for grid layout
  • Added
    Flipster: Add link title option
  • Added
    Menu Canvas (Joomla/Wordpress): Add option to custom color for Toggle menu icon
  • Added
    Article/Post list Joomla/Wordpress: add meta fields and display settings
  • Added
    Lightgallery: New lg-transitions.min.css and lg-fb-comment-box.min.css files added. Improved performance by loading css files based on your animation settings.
  • Added
    Add meta styles and new card customization (color background) for Content slider Joomla/Wordpress
  • Added
    Newsticker/Feature Box: add option to custom slidenav icons, add velocity and pause on hover option for slidenav.
  • Added
    Add reverse order for Gridcard/Filter Gallery
  • Added
    Calendar: Add text field for Events This Month. Now you can translate this directly via particle settings
  • Added
    Add XX-Large Overlay width to Slideshow, Carousel, Carousel Joomla/Wordpress, Slideshow Joomla/Wordpress
  • Added
    Add title on hover for back to top particle
  • Added
    Add option to Animate background only for Gallery/Filter Gallery/Overlay/Intense.
  • Added
    Add hover effects for title to Card, Grid, Popover, Overlay and Gallery element
  • Added
    Add option to center rows and columns to Grid, ContentGrid, Gallery, FilterGallery, Intensegallery, Progressbar, Lightgallery, Articles Gallery, Post Gallery, Testimonial
  • Added
    Add link image and image transition effect for Gridcard, Card, Contentgrid.
  • Changed
    Notification from ATOM type to PARTICLE. If you use notification atom via particle settings page, remove it and use it as particle normally.
  • Changed
    Countdown: Replace gutter with column gap and row gap options.
  • Changed
    Timeline: Moved Read more button text from item fields to global option
  • Changed
    Description: Important: Changed the layout width for list and title, add Grid Column Gap Grid Row Gap Grid Breakpoint for title
  • Changed
    Popover: Moved item link target and item read more button to global options
  • Changed
    Improved pricing table, moved featured background/color to global styling
  • Changed
    Timeline particle now using separate css files timeline.min.css and timeline-rtl.min.css. If you use new version 2.1.1, please upload these css files to THEMENAME/custom/css/ folder
  • Changed
    Filter Gallery: Remove filter_tags option, filter data tags now visible by default.
  • Changed
    Dotnav: Removed duration option from particle settings
  • Changed
    Slider/Slideshow/Slideshow Joomla/Wordpress: Unset autoplay interval if autoplay is not checked
  • Changed
    Progressbar: Replace grid gutter with grid columns gap and grid row gap
  • Changed
    Price list: Moved item link target to global link options
  • Changed
    Tab: Replace grid gutter with column gap / row gap for navigation. Moved item link target to global link options
  • Changed
    All particles: Change Container option to Container Max Width options (support default, X-small, Small, Large, X-Large, Expand and none mode ).
  • Changed
    Removed predefined navigation for slidenav, revert back to default uikit styling. Now you can custom slidenav color the way you want.
  • Changed
    Article/Post list Joomla/Wordpress: Replace hidden_text with content visibility feature (more options to show/hide content based on device sizes)
  • Fixed
    Grav search particle not working on click.
  • Fixed
    Content grid WordPress missing title hover class
  • Fixed
    Calendar particle missing icons
  • Fixed
    Gallery: Fix text overlay color not being applied, improved link type options
  • Fixed
    Improved filter tags and fix parallax height not working correctly with masonry effect for Gridcard/Filter Gallery
  • Fixed
    Overlay: Fix link and link target not being applied for title
  • Fixed
    Carousel: Slidenav color not being applied if overlay style is set
  • Fixed
    FAQ: Fix tab animation
  • Fixed
    SocialShare: Cache page URL issue with JCH Plugin (Joomla).
  • Fixed
    Lightgallery: Duplicate autoplay script. Remove google-plus share plugin
  • Fixed
    Facebook button/page/embed: Duplicate closing script
  • Fixed
    Start from not being applied for content slider WordPress.
  • Fixed
    Text alignment not being applied for subnav style meta (Content slider, Content grid, Carousel Joomla, Slideshow Joomla/Wordpress, Timeline Joomla/Wordpress)
  • Fixed
    Transition/Animation for left/right alignment effect(RTL layout mode)
  • Fixed
    Accordion Joomla: Image border and button target settings not being applied.
  • Fixed
    Intense: Fix duplicate scrollspy_cls class, fix broken layout if item max width being applied
  • Fixed
    Fix Timeline WordPress date not being applied correctly
  • Fixed
    Tiles Joomla: Fix duplicate category (style 3), improved code base
  • Fixed
    JL Articles Gallery: Fix icon transition missing
  • Fixed
    Gridcard, Card, Contentgrid: Fix image margin top not being applied for card style (between and bottom)

Particles 2.1.0 (February 04, 2020)

  • Updated
    Uikit 3 for Gantry5 atom (version 2.1.0) updated with latest Uikit version 3.3.0
  • Updated
    Headroomjs to v0.11.0 (Feature: support multiple classes)
  • Added
    Featurebox: Add Match Height for card styles by default
  • Added
    Contact info particle: Add grid style support
  • Added
    Offcanvas Content: Add Inverse Color Options for custom background
  • Added
    Slideshow: Add Xlarge container for overlay max width
  • Fixed
    Video background atom: Multiple video background items not working.
  • Fixed
    Featurebox: Slidenav color not working fixed.
  • Fixed
    FeatureBox: Fix Color inverse not working for content with custom background image
  • Fixed
    Pricing table fix sidenav settings not working (slider mode)
  • Fixed
    Tile Joomla/Wordpress: Fix particle title color setting not working
  • Changed
    Some particles now using Core FontAwesome font from Gantry 5 and added WCAG 2.0 Accessibility. Uikit icon is optional and you can enable/disable via Uikit 3 Atom for page speed :). Please check the detail below for more info.
  • Changed
    Team member: Changed: Important: Change uikit brand to Gantry 5 icon picker so we can use custom Fontawesome 5 via theme settings in future. You need to re-config the icons.
  • Changed
    Social Share: Remove Google plus icon, Add Weibo, Renren and Skype network support.
  • Changed
    Timeline Joomla/wordpress: changed custom icon to core Gantry icon picker, fix inverse color not working for custom background.
  • Changed
    Offcanvas content: social icons changed from custom Uikit icon to Gantry 5 icon picker

(March 04, 2020 – Fixes some minor issues)

  • Added
    Menu Canvas Particle (Joomla/Wordpress). Demo here.
  • Added
    Sort ordering for News ticker (Joomla/Wordpress).
  • Improved
    RTL Layout Mode (Utility)
  • Improved
    RTL for Testimonial, Timeline Joomla/WP/Gav
  • Fixed
    Light Gallery Image missing on RTL
  • Fixed
    Fix Back To Top missing icon

Particles 2.0.9 (November 13, 2019)

  • Updated
    Uikit 3 for Gantry5 atom updated with latest Uikit version 3.2.3
  • Added
    Add column and row gap options to particles(Joomla/Wordpress), see screenshot
  • Fixed
    Fix a html element in image particle
  • Fixed
    Image not showing in article list (Joomla)

Particles 2.0.8 (July 03, 2019)

  • Updated
    Uikit 3 for Gantry5 atom updated with latest Uikit version 3.1.6
  • Added
    Behavior options for Accordion Joomla/Wordpress particle
  • Updated
    Cookie consent atom update latest script 3.1.1
  • Updated
    Video background atom: jquery.mb.YTPlayer.min.js script update
  • Fixed
    Fix JL Notification Multi language display
  • Fixed
    Video particle: Fix close popup but the audio continues in the background

(May 27, 2019 fixes some minor issues)

  • Updated
    Uikit 3 for Gantry5 atom updated with latest Uikit version 3.1.5
  • Added
    Add heading style options to meta fields to particles
  • Added
    New Text Transform feature for Title/Meta/Content
  • Added
    Add tab style option to Subnav particle
  • Changed
    Update _jlparticles.scss,jluikit-rtl.min.cssjluikit.min.css files. Now Heading font family using theme’s font-family settings instead Uikit defaul font-family heading

Particles 2.0.7 (April 23, 2019)

  • Updated
    Uikit 3 for Gantry5 atom updated with latest Uikit version 3.1.3
  • Added
    New Footer Info particle (Joomla/Wordpress/Grav)
  • Added
    New Module/Widget Position particle (Joomla/Wordpress)
  • Added
    New heading style options (Small, Medium, Large, XLarge, 2XLarge)
  • Added
    Add link type options to Card, Grid Card, Overlay, Popover, Feature Box, Carousel, Timeline particles (Screenshot)
  • Added
    Link field options/transitions for Gallery/Filter Gallery/Timeline
  • Added
    Overlay: Link options and link transition for button
  • Added
    New item color settings for carousel
  • Added
    Add Target attribute (link) for Content Grid/Content Slider particle
  • Added
    Link transition for button (Content Slider)
  • Changed
    Primary Heading: Use heading medium instead of heading primary
  • Changed
    Hero Heading: Use heading xlarge instead of heading hero
  • Improved
    Card/Grid Card: Improved content rendering if image is not set
  • Improved
    Remove margin from the last-child in content fields across all particles
  • Fixed
    Button particle alignment not working
  • Fixed
    Fix div html element missing in card particle
  • Fixed
    Fix closing Lightbox causes text selection in Firefox
  • Fixed
    Overlay color duplicate for Gallery/Filter Gallery
  • Fixed
    Fix duplicate items in Lightbox
  • Fixed
    Popover particle: Correct image dimension settings for image container and image items
  • Fixed
    Timeline: Fix image grid width not working for left/right alignment
  • Fixed
    Timeline/Timeline Joomla: Fix button target not working
  • Fixed
    Fix target link not working for list particle
  • Fixed
    Content slider: Fix opacity 0 if none overlay mode is selected

Particles 2.0.6 (April 14, 2019)

  • Added
    New Free contact info particle
  • Added
    JL WordPress Slideshow Content particle
  • Improved
    Improved Particle Alignment/Breakpoint/Alignment Fallback
  • Fixed
    Subnav particle alignment not working
  • Fixed
    General settings not working with Newsletter particle

Particles 2.0.5 (March 30, 2019)

Please clear Gantry5 Caches after updating to 2.0.5
  • Added
    New Article gallery for Joomla
  • Added
    New Article/Post List particle for Joomla/Wordpress
  • Added
    New Accordion article/post particle for Joomla/Wordpress
  • Added
    New Slideshow Joomla Articles (WordPress version coming soon)
  • Added
    New Carousel Joomla Article (extended from content slider)
  • Added
    tabindex=”0″ to make the animation focusable through keyboard navigation and on touch devices (transition effect like image transition, slideshow, carousel, etc..)
  • Added
    Add more margin options for fields to all particles(now you can set special margin for any field like title/meta/content/image/button or subnav to adjust the space)
  • Added
    New box shadow for image setting (Popover particle).
  • Added
    Tag Attribute added for Joomla Content Slider/Slideshow/Carousel/Accordion
  • Added
    New Card style for Carousel particle
  • Added
    New Min height settings for Slider (Carousel particle)
  • Added
    New Item Max Width for Card style (Grid, Carousel, Content Grid, Content slider and more)
  • Added
    Add Min Height for Viewport, This is useful if the content is too large on small devices (Carousel particle)
  • Added
    Pause On Hover feature added (Slideshow, Carousel)
  • Added
    New Delay element animation feature for partciel like Grid, Gallery, Content Grid, Lightgallery, Intense Gallery and so on …
  • Added
    Match Height elements for grid layout style like Pricing table, content grid
  • Added
    Pricing table: more style for button class and body background / color customization support
  • Added
    Call to action: New Link Muted, Link Text and Button size setting
  • Added
    New predefined meta color settings
  • Added
    Timeline: New Date Format and Date field option
  • Added
    Timeline: New icon color picker
  • Added
    Timeline: New Image Alignment(Between, left/right alignment)
  • Added
    List Particle: New Vertical Alignment for image
  • Added
    Heading Particle: Add predefined color for description
  • Added
    Add Below Content alignment for Meta
  • Improved
    UI setting improved for all particles
  • Improved
    Remove redundant twig code
  • Improved
    Video particle: New control settings for local video (Play inline on mobile devices, Lazy load video)
  • Improved
    LightGallery: Thumbnail support to improved page speed
  • Improved
    Testimonial 2: Alignment for author container, padding option for content box
  • Improved
    Tiles Joomla/Wordpress: Improved styles rendering, Match Height elements
  • Improved
    Progress Bar: Set random function, now you can use multiple progessbar config per pages/Layouts
  • Improved
    Add jl-margin-remove-first-child class to remove white space above overlay content
  • Improved
    Content grid WordPress: alt attribute added for image post
  • Improved
    Timeline: Moved button settings to common style settings, new button size option
  • Improved
    Timeline: Add switcher mode to present the timeline on mobile/tablet devices
  • Improved
    Team Member: More margin options for Title/Meta/Content/Social
  • Improved
    Tile Joomla/Wordpress: New option to show/hide the category label over image
  • Improved
    Slideshow: Disable the Slideshow text color settings if Overlay style is selected (Using overlay built-in style instead)
  • Improved
    Image particle: Remove image transition when opening with modal popup
  • Improved
    Update Cookie Consent script
  • Improved
    Update Uikit script for Ukit3 for Gantry5 Atom
  • Improved
    Update YTPlayer youtube background video script
  • Fixed
    Intense Gallery: Duplicate Grid layout
  • Fixed
    Overlay Padding not working when none is selected
  • Fixed
    LightGallery: Fix Document not active on exitFullscreen
  • Fixed
    Progress Bar: Fix default color for stroke
  • Fixed
    Slideshow: Fix Button parallax animation not working
  • Fixed
    Post Gallery: Fix Subnav Alignment
  • Fixed
    Timeline: Fix image box shadow hover not working, duplicate css class field
  • Fixed
    Fix Timeline style overlap with content
  • Fixed
    Table: Fix table class incorrect
  • Fixed
    Card: Fix image width height not working in some cases
  • Fixed
    Description List: Fix default Link style incorrect
  • Fixed
    List Particle: Fix duplicate content when the item link is added
  • Fixed
    Overlay: Fix padding missing for Blank overlay style
  • Fixed
    Overlay: Fix image hover transition effect
  • Fixed
    FAQ Particle: Fix color customization not working
  • Fixed
    Gallery / Filter Gallery particle: Fix image hover transition
  • Fixed
    Carousel: Fix link not working outside overlay content.
  • Fixed
    Popover image border not working
  • Fixed
    Accordion: Fix no background for style customize if custom font size is not defined
  • Fixed
    Accordion meta alignment not working
  • Fixed
    Description List: Correct Meta alignment for Below Title alignment
  • Changed
    Improved css code for _jlparticles.scss, please update this scss file
  • Changed
    Timeline: NOTE: After upgrading timeline to new version, you need to reconfig the DATE for timeline event due to the update for date field picker
  • Changed
    Timeline: Remove padding option for image
  • Changed
    Timeline: Remove small, medium max width and Add full width option

Particles 2.0.4 (February 14, 2019)

  • Fixed
    Content Grid style customization not working
  • Fixed
    Flipster style settings not working
  • Fixed
    Popover/Pricelist title color customization
  • Fixed
    Style customization not working with Joomla module/Wordpress widget

Particles 2.0.3 (December 24, 2018)

  • Added
    New Content Slider for WordPress
  • Added
    New Content Grid for WordPress
  • Added
    New Tiles particle for WordPress
  • Added
    New Timeline particle for WordPress
  • Added
    New wp login form for WordPress
  • Added
    News Ticker for WordPress
  • Added
    New Post Gallery for WordPress
  • Added
    Image transition(Scale Up/Down Image) for Image particle
  • Added
    Image transition for content grid
  • Added
    Larger sidenav icons option for Carousel and Slideshow particle
  • Improved
    Content slider particle (Joomla)
  • Improved
    Content Grid particle (Joomla)
  • Improved
    Slideshow particles
  • Improved
    News Ticker particle
  • Improved
    Timeline/Timeline Joomla
  • Fixed
    Sidenav color settings not working
  • Fixed
    Outside color option not working (Slideshow particle)

Particles 2.0.2 (December 18, 2018)

  • Added
    Free Logo Advanced particle
  • Added
    Animation modes for off canvas particle (slide, push, reveal, none)
  • Added
    Divider vertical for divider particle
  • Added
    Pill style for image border style
  • Added
    Predefined Color for heading particle
  • Added
    Text style Emphasis
  • Changed
    Avoiding conflicts with old Uikit 2 ( changed uikit to jluikit, replaced uk prefix with jl prefix). See
  • Changed
    Particle name from particle_name to jlparticle_name to avoid duplicate particle

Particles 2.0.1 (September 28, 2018)

  • Added
    Theme package with all particles added
  • Added
    Offcanvas Content particle
  • Added
    Facebook page particle
  • Added
    Facebook button particle
  • Added
    Headroom atom
  • Added
    Joomla content slider particle
  • Added
    Dotnav particle
  • Added
    Free Quotation particle
  • Added
    Table particle
  • Added
    Description List particle
  • Added
    List particle
  • Added
    Text particle
  • Added
    Button particle
  • Added
    Alert particle
  • Added
    Modal Module particle
  • Added
    Inline svg particle
  • Added
    Popover particle
  • Added
    Grid card particle
  • Added
    Search particle
  • Added
    Code particle
  • Added
    Pricing list particle
  • Added
    Open street map
  • Added
    Social share particle
  • Added
    Timeline with Joomla content type
  • Added
    Data tables particle
  • Added
    Price list particle
  • Added
    Block Reveal particle
  • Added
    Content toggle particle
  • Added
    Tiles Joomla
  • Changed
    Warning atom to Notification atom
  • Changed
    Improve News Ticker particle, add support Joomla content and custom content type
  • Changed
    Improve Countdown particle (using Uikit countdown as default)
  • Changed
    Replace mixitup js with Uikit3 Filter
  • Changed
    Portfolio to Filter Gallery Particle
  • Changed
    Youtube/Vimeo/Html5 video support for video particle
  • Changed
    Improve Intense Gallery particle
  • Changed
    Improve Pricing Table particle
  • Changed
    Improve Slideshow particle
  • Changed
    Improve FAQ particle
  • Changed
    Improve Progress bar columns rendering
  • Changed
    Improve Feature Box particle
  • Changed
    Improve Image particle
  • Changed
    Improve Carousel particle(New column settings, Ui settings and more)
  • Changed
    Improve Calendar particle(New Style)
  • Changed
    Improve Cookie Consent atom
  • Changed
    Improve Member particle
  • Changed
    Improve Timeline particle, new animation, fields and style customization support
  • Changed
    Improve Instafeed particle, new grid settings for column, add disabled button feature if no posts available
  • Removed
    Remove Sticky atom (not needed). Using Uikit3, you can sticky any section you want without using sticky atom. See our sticky navigation demo page for more info.
  • Removed
    Remove live event particle
  • Removed
    Remove Joomla content particle
  • Removed
    Remove redundant css/js code
  • Fixed
    Fix performance for some particles using 3rd party JS library
  • Fixed
    Responsive issue with columns on mobile landsapce mode
  • Fixed
    Offcanvas mobile menu opens and close
  • Fixed
    Language special characters not rendered correctly
  • Fixed
    Instafeed parallax on scroll not correctly
  • Fixed
    Language typography

Particles 2.0.0

  • Add support Uikit3
  • Improve code base
  • Performance improvements

Particles 1.0.1

  • General bugfixes & design refinement

Particles 1.0.0 (April 18, 2017)

  • Released the initial version
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