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Hi there,
It’s possible but you need to modify and remove the existing date field for timeline items and then define the first/last item using loop.first and loop.last. Example.

{% if display.date.enabled %}
{% if loop.first %}

<div class="tm-timeline-date"{{scrollspy_cls}}>
<span class="tm-date{{ date_style }}"><i class="fa fa-calendar-check-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
    Start Here

{% endif %}
{% endif %}


{% if loop.last %}

<div class="tm-timeline-date jl-text-right"{{scrollspy_cls}}>
<span class="tm-date{{ date_style }}"><i class="fa fa-calendar-check-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
End Here

{% endif %}

Last, for item switcher on mobile/tablet devices, you can replace the item_date like this

{% set item_date %}

{% if loop.first %}

    <div class="jl-card-badge jl-label{{ img_padding ? ' jl-position-top-right' : '' }}">
    Start Here

{% endif %}
{% if loop.last %}

    <div class="jl-card-badge jl-label{{ img_padding ? ' jl-position-top-right' : '' }}">
    End Here

{% endif %}

{% endset %}

NOTE: In this case, you need to define the custom text for start and end date. You can define the text fields via jltimelinejoomla.yaml and receive the output via jltimelinejoomla.html.twig

Screenshot: https://imgur.com/kxB4awF

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