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George WestenbrinkSubscriber
TonyModeratorDear George,
I’m sorry for late response, please take a look Unite slider documentation here to modify the slider items.
Note: You can edit slider item by going to Components -> Unite slider -> edit Slides item
Screenshot https://imgur.com/a/Bt5jK
If you still face any issue, please let me know.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
George WestenbrinkSubscriberi have big problems with this templates, nothing really works as it should be no real good documentation how to change the sample data . some sample data can not even been found.
I can find the lower part (Madas is a real beatiful theme -heading text- and one step lower Working with us) but no way to change the text is just not in pagebuilder i can add text but not change the existing one.
please give me good instructions. how to add screenshots in here so you understand what i talk about
TonyModeratorHi George,
“i have big problems with this templates, nothing really works as it should be no real good documentation how to change the sample data . some sample data can not even been found.”
All our templates based on helix3 is built with SP Page Builder FREE (Dev team is working to convert all template with QUIX Page Builder PRO instead using sp pagebuilder free)
“I can find the lower part (Madas is a real beatiful theme -heading text- and one step lower Working with us) but no way to change the text is just not in pagebuilder i can add text but not change the existing one.”
Please take a look, go to home page -> scroll down to tab section then click edit icon like this https://imgur.com/a/l2KFO
then choose the tab item to edit like this https://imgur.com/a/9DTf8
Most section/content you can edit direct via page builder and other you can see the module LINKED via page builder.
Example a module which included in page builder (our partner) https://imgur.com/a/ZPliE
To modify linked module, you can find the module via Extensions -> Module manager.
Why using linked module instead direct Page builder “addons”: Like I said before, in the past, most template based on Helix3 using sp pagebuilder FREE with LIMITED addons that why we create custom modules then include these module to page builder.
If you are new with pagebuilder, check this documentation
” how to add screenshots in here so you understand what i talk about”
You can upload images to free image hosting like https://imgur.com then post the link here
George WestenbrinkSubscriberok i understand what you send me and i was before alredy aware of this , BUT there are some items not showing in sp pagebuider home page 1 item is not showing at all and a other item si showing but the text in sample data can not be edited simply because in edit are is not showing.
i wrote to you before what items that are : Madas is a real beatiful theme and Working with us ( this are the title of the home page items. maybe you take a look what i mean.
TonyModeratorDid you check my two screenshot about tab and the word: Madas is real beautiful theme ?
Please take a look, go to home page -> scroll down to tab section then click edit icon like this https://imgur.com/a/l2KFO
then choose the tab item to edit like this https://imgur.com/a/9DTf8
About WORKING WITH US: Below tab section, you can see the addon Call to Action, click ROW option icon (to modify title and subtitle for call to active section) and do following https://imgur.com/a/QQNzm and https://imgur.com/a/ZtTei
George WestenbrinkSubscriberThank you for this answer i was more happy to get this directly and now 1 of the two are solve so one more to go, please.
i will look more around because there are other items not to find in a for me normal easy way.
first things first the following i still can not find thats with the following tabs:
Construction Managment
Electrical Contractor
House Renovationi agree that madas is a beautyful theme but is it easy and confusing or even difficult to use? thats a question
TonyModerator“first things first the following i still can not find thats with the following tabs:
Construction Managment
Electrical Contractor
House Renovation”Strange, Please do following
Step 1: https://imgur.com/a/scCfZ
Step 2: https://imgur.com/a/4uGLb
Step 3: https://imgur.com/a/KP27Z“but is it easy and confusing or even difficult to use? ”
IMO, you are new with sp page builder so it takes time to learn about using page builder first, not the template itself 🙂
George WestenbrinkSubscriber
TonyModerator“following items not to find: in section Services ( where to how to change the icons)”
Just click the Edit icon for the Text block “Service” then switch to source code mode
Step 1: https://imgur.com/a/r3ccc
Step 2: https://imgur.com/a/x8ZoEYou can see the html code we added here for service section with the icon FONT CLASS NAME.
Why we need custom code with these class names ? By default, the helix3 framework and sp pagebuilder addon using fontawesome icon that not support the icons for special “niche” like building services.
Where to find full list Icon font “CLASS NAME”? You can see the full list icon font here http://linea.io/
Download full package to your computer, select the icon folder you wish to use then open icons-reference.html for more detail about class name for each font icon, like this https://imgur.com/a/YsQur
How to change the icon font class name?
Example this code<div class="icon icon-basic-settings"> </div> <h3>Home Maintenance</h3> </div>
you can replace the icon-basic-settings to icon-basic-helm for example, just changing the class name icon and DONE
“Section with titles: Marketing – development – production etc etc with icons where to find and how to change icons”
Go to module manager -> find module name FEATURES and do the same steps above to change icon name.
TonyModeratorHi George,
Madas 1.0.5 released with big update 🙂
Quix page builder pro support with over 50 elements. Now you can change all content inside page builder without editing content code like my prev comment 🙂
For example changing the icon for features/services section, simple open the quix element and do following
and add icon class name to change icon
You can get latest Madas 1.0.5 via customer area https://joomlead.com/member-area/my-account/
Do not forget to check our documentation https://joomlead.com/documentation/madas-documentation/#demo-pages
NOTE: After install new madas quickstart 1.0.5, go to administrator area -> quix -> pages then click CLEAR CACHES button.
Madas 1.0.5 changelog
^ Helix3 framework 2.4 ^ Latest Version Of Joomla 3.8.5 + Quix page builder PRO # Template optimization and bug fixes
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
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