Home Forums Particles Support Setting top margins on jlaccordion content: mission impossible!

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  • pepe lopex

    The code of jlaccordion.html.twig includes in line 240 the class jl-margin-remove-first-child:

    <div class="jl-accordion-content jl-margin-remove-first-child">

    In my experience, this overrides any margin settings that can be made from the particle (e.g. in Style tab > Content Settings > Margin Top ).

    Considering that the contents within each accordion are unique, I don’t understand the reason for this setting – unless there is another function I’m not aware of.

    I propose to remove this code. Thanks!


    Dear Pepe,
    I replied your ticket.
    Thank you

    pepe lopex

    Sorry, I didn’t open a ticket.


    Hi Pepe,
    My mistake, I got the same question about Accordion via ticket system 🙂
    The css class jl-margin-remove-first-child added to remove the spacing for the first element (from Accordion title and content body). Imagine that you have assigned the image to the top and content from the bottom, then you can use margin top to add the spacing between content and image elements.

    Sure, you can remove the css class if not needed.

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