Forum Replies Created
Andrew YoungSubscriberAfter lots of fiddling I got there.
Have had to hack the core contact component file to make it display.
The template style I created (for Hire) didn’t work but altering the default style to grab that as the style it did.
Makes no sense but who cares.Gantry or the template strips any php code included in custom html, which was my previous thinking.
No editor enabled.Lots of notes kept in case I need to do that again
Andrew YoungSubscriberThe form on that page is the default Joomla form with all the added fields.
I don’t want additional components installed when not necessary.My end point is to have that form/page with a logo differing from the rest of the site.
I created an outline as you suggest.
So how do I put that default form into that outline?Thanks
Andrew YoungSubscriberHmmm.
Ok had issues with text areas and a mistypeThanks can do
Andrew YoungSubscriberah ha
I’ve disabled fontawesome
Ok so I’ll have to add a change to css to make that happen.We have huge delays with external CSS from sites like Google and FontAwesome hence me disabling them
Andrew YoungSubscriberPosted 3 years, 4 months ago in reply to: {loadposition myposition} not working in custom HTML particleFinally I have got thee latest Gantry Installed.
Overwrote it and it appears to have taken.
Andrew YoungSubscriberPosted 3 years, 4 months ago in reply to: {loadposition myposition} not working in custom HTML particleI have posted 3 times so fat, the system knows this, with screenshots and further comments.
This response will not be posted for some reason.Have posted to Gantry that the file is dysfunctional and no response there either.
Gantry 5.4.37
I see it’s at version 5.5.3
As above … I cannot update
Andrew YoungSubscriberPosted 3 years, 4 months ago in reply to: {loadposition myposition} not working in custom HTML particleWorked out why no Gantry upgrade happening
Choose to Download zip or Direct LinkWarning
JInstaller: :Install: Can’t find XML setup file.
Unable to detect manifest file.
Andrew YoungSubscriberI see G5 has been released. 😳
Waiting for you guys to do your magic. 👏🏼
Have a couple of sites that we are totally rebuilding, so we are going to going to do that in J4, rather than go through the migration process.
Patience is a virtue 🥴
Andrew YoungSubscriberThanks for that worked a treat.
Andrew YoungSubscriberResolved.
Gantry has an issue that highlights a salutatory lesson for us all who do site work locally, compress and relocate to a liver server.
ALL Gantry files upon extraction, regardless of their permissions on a local server, extracted to 0117, not 0644
In this instance I’d not ran a 0755/0644 folder/file impose permissions.
Andrew YoungSubscriber;-(
No JL Nav Sticky that I can find
I can find jlnavsticky.yaml and jlnavsticky.html.twig in the /particle folder but not viewable anywhere else
Andrew YoungSubscriberOops no edit button
Forgot, if it is of importance I’m using NOVA template