Forum Replies Created
MichaelSubscriberHi josehroberto,
Just replace the code from instafeed.html.twig with the code below
{% extends '@nucleus/partials/particle.html.twig' %} {% set rand = random() %} {% set group = random() %} {% block stylesheets %} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url('gantry-theme://css/uikit.min.css') }}" type="text/css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url('gantry-theme://css/components/slidenav.min.css') }}" type="text/css" /> {% endblock %} {% block javascript_footer %} {% do gantry.load('jquery') %} <script src="{{ url('gantry-theme://js/uikit.min.js') }}"></script> <script src="{{ url('gantry-theme://js/instafeed.min.js') }}"></script> <script> // var temp = '<div class="jl-instafeed-item uk-width-small-1-1 uk-width-medium-1-2 uk-width-large-1-{{particle.numberitem}}"><a href="\{\{link\}\}"><div class="jl-insta-thumbnail uk-overlay uk-overlay-hover"><img src="\{\{model.images.standard_resolution.thumb\}\}" /><div class="uk-overlay-panel uk-overlay-background uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-text-center"><div class="jl-insta-info \{\{model.type\}\} uk-grid uk-grid-width-1-3"><div class="jl-insta-info-love"><i class="fa fa-heart"> <\/i><span class="jl-insta-love">\{\{model.likes.roundcount\}\}<\/span><\/div><div class="jl-insta-info-play"><i class="jl-insta-play \{\{model.type\}\} fa fa-play-circle"><\/i><\/div><div class="jl-insta-info-comment"><i class="fa fa-comment"> <\/i><span class="jl-insta-comment">\{\{model.comments.count\}\}<\/span><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/a><div id="jl-insta-modal-\{\{model.index\}\}" class="jl-insta-modal uk-modal"><div class="jl-modal-dialog uk-modal-dialog uk-modal-dialog-blank uk-grid uk-slidenav-position"><div class="jl-dialog-image uk-width-large-3-5 uk-width-medium-3-5 uk-width-small-1-1"><div class="jl-dialog-header header-top uk-visible-small"><a href="\{\{model.user.username\}\}" target="_blank"><img src="\{\{model.user.profile_picture\}\}" /><span class="insta-username">\{\{model.user.username\}\}<\/span><\/a><a href="\{\{link\}\}" target="_blank"><i class="uk-icon-external-link"><\/i><\/a><a href="\{\{link\}\}" target="_blank">Read the post<\/a><\/div>\{\{model.content\}\}<\/div><div class="jl-dialog-content uk-hidden-small uk-width-large-2-5 uk-width-medium-2-5 uk-width-small-1-1"><div class="jl-dialog-container"><div class="jl-dialog-header"><img src="\{\{model.user.profile_picture\}\}" /><span class="insta-username">\{\{model.user.username\}\}<\/span><a href="\{\{model.user.username\}\}" target="_blank">Follow<\/a><\/div><div class="jl-dialog-info"><span class="jl-info-like">\{\{model.likes.count\}\} likes<\/span><span class="jl-info-time">\{\{model.time\}\}<\/span><\/div><div class="jl-dialog-caption" style="">\{\{model.caption.text\}\}<\/div><\/div><\/div><a href="#"><\/a><a href="#"></a><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>'; jQuery(function($){ function roundCount(count){ if (count < 1000){ return count; }else if (count > 1000 && count < 1000000){ count = count/1000; count = parseFloat(count).toFixed(1); return count + " K"; }else if (count > 1000000){ count = count/1000000; count = parseFloat(count).toFixed(1); return count + " M"; } } function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); } function getTime(date){ // Split timestamp into [ Y, M, D, h, m, s ] var actiondate = new Date(parseInt(date) * 1000); var today = new Date(); if(today.getDate() === actiondate.getDate() && today.getMonth() === actiondate.getMonth() && today.getYear() === actiondate.getYear()){ var hourssince = today.getHours() - actiondate.getHours(); var minutessince = today.getMinutes() - actiondate.getMinutes(); var secondssince = today.getSeconds() - actiondate.getSeconds(); if(hourssince > 0){ date = hourssince+'h'; }else if(minutessince > 0){ date = minutessince+'m'; }else{ date = secondssince+'s'; } }else{ var oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((today.getTime() - actiondate.getTime())/(oneDay))); if(diffDays >= 7){ date = Math.round(diffDays / 7)+'w'; }else{ if(diffDays == '0'){ diffDays = '1'; } date = diffDays+'d'; } } return date; }; var loadButton = document.getElementById('jl-instafeed-loadmore-{{rand}}'); {% set token = (particle.accessToken == "" ? '4784198969.ba4c844.62f855e7f91f480eb231516c3bf768f4' : particle.accessToken ) %} {% set username = particle.username|trim() %} {% set url = "" ~ username ~ "/?__a=1" %} {% set content ="file_get_contents",url) %} var insta = JSON.parse('{{content|raw|e("js")}}'); var feed = new Instafeed({ target: 'jl-instafeed-{{rand}}', get: '{{particle.get}}', tagName: '{{particle.tagName}}', sortBy : '{{particle.sortBy}}', userId:, accessToken : '{{token}}', limit: {{particle.limit == "" ? "12" : particle.limit}}, template: temp, resolution: 'standard_resolution', before :function(){ $("#jl-instafeed-loading-{{rand}}").append('<i class="fa fa-spinner spin"></i>'); }, success : function(data){ $("#jl-instafeed-loading-{{rand}}").text(""); console.log(; var crop = ''; var page = $("#jl-instafeed-loadmore-{{rand}}").attr("data-page") page = parseInt(page); var limit = {{particle.limit == "" ? "12" : particle.limit}}; limit = parseInt(limit); var index = page * limit; for (var i = 0;i<;i++){ //index[i].index = index + i; //count var count =[i].likes.count;[i].likes.roundcount = roundCount(count);[i].likes.count = numberWithCommas(count); //comment var comment =[i].comments.count;[i].comments.roundcount = roundCount(comment);[i].comments.count = numberWithCommas(comment); //time var time = getTime([i].created_time);[i].time = time; //video if ([i].type == "video"){ var poster =[i].images.standard_resolution.url; //poster = ""; var video =[i].videos.standard_resolution.url; var content = '<video class="jl-insta-video" poster="'+poster+'" src="'+video+'" type="video/mp4" controls><\/video>';[i].content = content; }else{ var image =[i].images.standard_resolution.url; var content = '<img src="'+image+'" />'[i].content = content; } //caption var limit = {{particle.caption == "" ? 300 : particle.caption}}; var caption =[i].caption.text; var tags =[i].tags; if (caption.length > limit){ caption = caption.substring(0,limit); } caption += '... <a href="'[i].link+'">Read more</a>'; tags.forEach(function(item){ var tag = item; var search = "#" + tag; var regEx = new RegExp(search, "ig"); var replace= '<a href="'+tag+'/">#'+tag+'<\/a>'; caption = caption.replace(regEx, replace); }); //console.log(caption);[i].caption.text = caption; //image var url =[i].images.standard_resolution.url; //console.log(url); var width =[i].images.standard_resolution.width; var height =[i].images.standard_resolution.height; var pos = url.lastIndexOf("/"); var start = url.substring(0,pos+1); var end = url.substring(pos,url.length); var original = '' + end; var square =[i].images.thumbnail.url; square = square.replace(/vp.*\/.{32}\/.{8}\//, '').replace('150x150', '600x600');[i].images.standard_resolution.thumb = square; } }, after: function() { {% if particle.loadmore %} loadButton.innerHTML = "Load more"; var page = $("#jl-instafeed-loadmore-{{rand}}").attr("data-page"); page = parseInt(page) + 1; $("#jl-instafeed-loadmore-{{rand}}").attr("data-page",page); {% endif %} $('.jl-insta-modal').each(function(){ $(this).on({ '': function(){ $(".jl-insta-video").each(function () { this.pause() }); } }); }); {% if particle.loadmore %} if (!this.hasNext()) { loadButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } {% endif %} $('.jl-insta-next').on('click',function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).parents('.jl-insta-modal').eq(0).attr("id"); id = id.substring('jl-insta-modal-'.length,id.length); id = parseInt(id) + 1; var modal = UIkit.modal("#jl-insta-modal-" + id); = true;; }); $('.jl-insta-prev').on('click',function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).parents('.jl-insta-modal').eq(0).attr("id"); id = id.substring('jl-insta-modal-'.length,id.length); id = parseInt(id) - 1; if (id < 0) return ; console.log(id); var modal = UIkit.modal("#jl-insta-modal-" + id); = true; if ( modal.isActive() ) { modal.hide(); } else {; } }); } }); {% if particle.loadmore %} loadButton.addEventListener('click', function() { loadButton.innerHTML = "Loading...";; }); {% endif %}; }); </script> {% endblock %} {% block particle %} {% if particle.enabled %} <div class="jl-instafeed-loading uk-text-center" id="jl-instafeed-loading-{{rand}}"> </div> <div id="jl-instafeed-{{rand}}" class="jl-instafeed uk-grid"> </div> {% if particle.loadmore %} <a>Load More</a> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
We updated quickstart and, you can donwload in custom area.
Thank You
- This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Michael.
MichaelSubscriberThis reply has been marked as private, meaning that only the original poster and forum moderators can see the content of the reply.
MichaelSubscriberHi Bob,
Your problem is installing particles in hydrogen. You can remove the pricing table particles and proceed with the initial installation of hydrogen.
How to Install Gantry 5 Particle
And Hover Atom :
You should follow the steps in the documentation.
Thank you!
MichaelSubscriberHi Bob,
When you copy from raiseup template to hydrogen, you forgot to create custom.scss file in custom and forgot to import pricingtable.scss.
I fixed that problem for you.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Bob,
Hydrogen, You have incorrectly set up the pricing table.
I have corrected and the result is as below.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Bob,
I just tried creating pricingtable particles in the layout.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi tithij,
Can you capture the screen of your problem?
mainbar in main container, when aside and sidebar is empty the mainbar size is 100%.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Bob,
I checked, I think the problem is that the module is not asignment to the page. I have created a price-position and asignment in the home and results as shown below.
Assignment to home
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi tithij,
Could you please send the administrator account for me to take a look?
NOTE: You can send PRIVATE REPLY by following
MichaelSubscriberHi Bob,
Could you please send the administrator account for me and set the account to super user so I can check the source code for pricingtable particles particle?
Thank you
- This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Michael.
MichaelSubscriberHi Daniele
You can modify the cookie consent description and link by following these steps:
Step 1: Choose, Raise Up Template -> Select Base Outline -> Switch to Page Setting tabs.
Step 2: Click to cookie consent setting and modify Description and Link.
MichaelSubscriberHi josehroberto
it’s isssue of the instafeed.min.js library.
We will update the js library later.
If you want to fix, we will help you, but the image ratio will be smaller.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Fabio,
I fixed the ALT tags issue of Joomlacontent Particles.
Atl tags of overlay I added alt tags field so you can customize alt tags.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberWe are checking this case and will get back to you soon.
Thank you