How to update Warp 7 framework

In this tutorial, I will show you how to update a theme based on the Warp 7 framework without uninstalling and reinstalling the theme.

Warp 7 Framework Latest: 7.3.36

    # Fixed head.php (WP)

    # Fix html5 meta charset with cache enabled (J)
    # Fix enqueue scripts before they were registered (WP)

    # Fixed do not minify already compressed .js files
    # Fixed com_search compatibility (J 3.7.3)

    + Added Woocommerce 3.x gallery support (WordPress)

    # Fixed thumbnail view for Woocommerce 2.7
    # Fixed encoding html in menu title (WP)
    # Fixed enqueue scripts before widgets loaded (WP)

    # Fixed language directory name 'ro-RO' (J)
    # Fixed woocommerce style (WP)
    # Fixed font selection in customizer
    # Updated search results truncation (WP)

    # Fixed PHP 5.3 compatibility (WP)

    ^ Updated UIkit to 2.27.2
    # Fixed color picker in customizer
    # Fixed font import in customizer + copy style
    # Fixed widget assignment on woocommerce categories/tags (WP)
    # Fixed breadcrumbs + sidebar widget (WP)

    + Added filter for warp ajax search (WP)
    ^ Updated language files (J)
    # Fixed frontpage posts pagination (WP)

    ^ Updated UIkit to 2.26.4
    # Fixed redirect url after login on read more (J)
    # Fixed duplicate items in breadcrumbs module (J)
    - Removed CssRtlFilter direction property

    + Added function getPageInfo() to SystemHelper
    ^ Updated language files
    # Fixed widget assignment with WPML (WP)

    ^ Updated UIkit to 2.26.3 (Changelog)
    # Fixed font selection in customizer (IE)

    ^ Updated language files
    # Fixed use of deprecated function add_object_page() (WP)

    - Version: 7.3.23
    ^ Updated UIkit to 2.26.2
    # Fixed font selection in customizer
    # Fixed menu settings backward compatibility (J 2.5)

    ^ Updated UIkit to 2.26.2 [Changelog]
    # Fixed sticky navbar not changing background-color (Chrome)

    + Added Support for widgets count > 6 in a position
    ^ Updated WordPress 3.5 compatibility
    ^ Updated post layouts, render post image with srcset (WP)
    # Fixed center login-form in offline page (J)
    # Fixed font selection in customizer

## Changelog

    + Added new font selection in customizer
    ^ Updated UIkit to 2.25.0
    ^ Updated menu settings in template options (J 3.5)
    # Fixed headings text-rendering attribute in bootstrap-fix.less (J)
    # Fixed widget assignment on search results (WP)

## Changelog
    # Fixed article icon links spacing
    + Added class for articles in columns
    # Fixed tag_cloud widget (WP)
    # Fixed widget nav settings
    # Fixed detection of current menu item (J)

## Changelog
# Fixed scrollspy-nav issue

## Changelog
    ^ Updated UIkit to 2.24.3
    # Fixed namespacing issue in JsCompressorFilter
    # Fixed unstyled WooCommerce widgets on not WooCommerce pages
    # Fixed scrollspy apply detection

## Changelog
    + Added preventflip:y for navbar dropdowns
    + Added automatically apply uk-scrollspy-nav on menus when needed
    ^ Updated UIkit to 2.24.2
    # Fixed youtube iframes when search module is published (J)
    # Fixed frontend editing layout (J)
    - Removed unnecessary div from article.php (J)
    + Added theme documentation links to admin section

Warp 7 Framework Latest: 7.3.14

## Changelog
    - Moved template cache to /media (J)
    - Removed article meta information options (J)

Warp 7 Framework Latest: 7.3.13


    ^ Updated UIkit to 2.23.0
    + Added article meta information options (J)
    ^ Updated language files

You will receive a notification in the Theme Settings if a newer version of your theme or theme framework is available so if you do see these Notifications, you should visit the Downloads section of your theme and then download the latest theme package. Notifications are smart and won’t bother you with any messages unless an update is available for your theme(Template settings -> tab Options).

Note: Updating the Template Framework ( WARP ) will not result in your Template version from changing, the template and Framework have their own Versioning.

To update your theme do the following steps:

  • Download the newest Warp 7 framework here for Joomla
  • Rename your current warp folder to old_warp then extract the zip file and copy warp folder to joomla/templates/template_name/
  • Recheck via template settings


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