Joomlead Advanced Settings
This section of JoomLead template settings allows you to reduce size of loaded template files. By speeding up template, you offer a better experience for your customers, improve your page speed (and therefore, possibly, your search engine ranking) and make your CMS appear more stable and professional.

After you will decided that you have finished last works on template customization we suggest you to turn on some Cache options.
Compress CSS
In order to reduce the number of requests from a browser to the server to render a page, and to take advantage of browser caching, this tag also does some advanced processing of the stylesheets. It generates uniquely named css file which are then returned to the browser, and allowed to cache on the browser.

Note Custom CSS field is not compressed when you’re using this option. It will help you to keep control about small changes.
Compress JavaScript
Also optimize JavaScript is to improve your site performance by compress JS files into one – so that the total size and number of requests will be decreased.
When the optimization option is enabled, the optimized JS file package will be auto generated when a page is viewed in the first time. After enabling this option please check whole website. In some cases it may generate conflicts between this compress option and some third-party extensions, so then leave this one off or use third, following option if you know which file shouldn’t be compressed.
Exclude JavaScript files to be optimized
You may want to exclude some JavaScript files and folders from compression by using this option. To exclude JS files that you don’t want to optimize, just add the file name, if you have many files, please separate them with comma.

Compile LESS to CSS option – Helix 3 is developed with LESS system built-in. When customize your site, we suggest you to work with LESS files. All your changes in the LESS files will be compiled into the final CSS files. It will override previus changes