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  • Giora Shimoni

    I have set the number of articles to fetch on 5.
    How can I set that it will take the latest 5 articles? at the moment it starts at the oldest.
    Best Regards,



    Hi Giora,
    We will add the article order feature for News Sticker in the next release (this weekend).
    Thank you


    Hi Giora,
    We just added minor fixes for Gantry5 particles recently.


    + Added Menu Canvas Particle (Joomla/Wordpress).
    + Added Sort ordering for News ticker (Joomla/Wordpress).
    ^ Improved RTL Layout Mode (Utility)
    ^ Improved RTL for Testimonial, Timeline Joomla/WP/Gav
    # Fixed Light Gallery Image missing on RTL
    # Fixed Back To Top missing icon

    Learn more: https://joomlead.com/gantry-5-particles/changelog/


    The order of the changelog page is incorrect.
    The ‘March 04, 2020’ is below ‘February 04, 2020’.
    Also why a release without version number? How do we (and you) know which version gives trouble in case of support?
    The download name ‘JoomLead-Gantry5-Particles.zip’ or a changelog.txt in the zip gives any sign of which version where dealing with.

    I often just redownload it the be sure that i have the lastest version.


    “The order of the changelog page is incorrect.
    The ‘March 04, 2020’ is below ‘February 04, 2020’.”
    No, its correct, we added small updates for particles in version 2.1.0 (hotfix) that why we added the logs below the main release version.
    “Also why a release without version number? How do we (and you) know which version gives trouble in case of support?”
    Its a small update (hotfix) for RTL issue, not a big update like upcoming 2.1.1, that why we decided to leave the same version.
    “The download name ‘JoomLead-Gantry5-Particles.zip’ or a changelog.txt in the zip gives any sign of which version where dealing with.”
    The upcoming 2.1.1 will add the number prefix for Particle download package.


    thanks, that saves me some redownloads. 🙂


    Glad to hear that :). In the next release, we will create a separate particle package so users can choose the particles they want to use instead using all particles.

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