Headroom Atom Documentation

  • Tony
  • 9 April 2020
  • No comments
  • Docs
Make Navigation remain at the top of the viewport, like a sticky navigation. See live Demo Page.

For sticky built in with Uikit (pure and not using extended js/css), please check the sticky atom.

# Headroom Atom Package contents

Files Description
jlheadroom.yaml Contains the Headroom Atom settings.
jlheadroom.html.twig The Twig file to pull information, settings.
headroom.css Contains the Headroom style CSS.
headroom.min.js Contains the Headroom JavaScript.

Installation Installing the particle on your website is a really simple process. You can refer to the document here to know more.

After you upload this atom, go to your Template/Theme Settings > select the Layout to add Headroom (i.e: Home) -> Page Settings -> Drag the Headroom Atom into Atom Box.


Settings Description
Section Define the ID or class of the section that you want to set as fixed.
Custom Background Customize the Background background color on scroll.
Style Select an animated headroom styling effect on scroll.
Offset Vertical offset in px before element is first unpinned
Tolerance Scroll tolerance in px before state changes

Tips With Gantry 5, you can define the SECTION ID by following: Adding the g- prefix before the section name. Example with navigation section, the section id should be: g-navigation, with header section, the section id should be: g-header and so on.

General, Parallax and Parallax Background tab

Please take a look the documentation here for more detail about these tabs settings


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