Forum Replies Created
TonyModeratorPosted 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to: How can I access page header variables from JL gantry particles in Grav CMS?At the moment our particles are not support process twig or shortcode, we will consider about that.
Which particle you wish to implement the markdown ?
TonyModeratorHeadroom atom stick the navigation on all screens. The problem that your helium (or hydrogen) not assign the offcanvas to the navigation on mobile so that why you can not see the Headrrom navigation on mobile.
Please read my prev comment should add the custom js to move the menu bar icon to navigation section so you can see the headroom js working on mobile.
Or simply add any content to navigation section(like button or social icons) then resize browser to see what I mean.
Thank you
TonyModeratorHere please use this package
TonyModeratorHi Frank,
I’m still testing the nav sticky atom before adding it for free particle package. At the moment, the nav sticky support device sizes Small (Phone Landscape), Medium (Tablet Landscape), Large (Desktop), X-Large (Large Screens).
I will add the Always option to make the nav sticky appear on all screens.
Please wait 🙂
NOTE: If you use nav sticky, you don’t need to use the headroom atom for page speed performance :), the nav sticky already support sticky on scroll up like headroom atom.
TonyModerator“When i use the flipster particle i can’t scroll down normal on the phone”
Did you face the same issue with our demo site ?“I use the carousel particle for a partnership carousel. But it swipes onĂ© time to the left and then swipe another time a litte bit to the left. Like it’s swiping not on the correct position in the first slide and correct it in the second swipe.”
Did you enable finite or set via particle setting ? Could you please give me the site to take a look?
TonyModerator“By the way, “Grav” is not mentioned anywhere on site. Only Joomla and WordPress. But I use Grav.”
Our particles working perfectly for Joomla/Wordpress/Grav :). Just few particles designed for special platform, like content grid for Joomla and WordPress(present the joomla articles and wordpress posts). We are planing to add content grid support for Grav in the next release.“The hamburger menu is not shown again in mobile mode when scrolling up.”
The headroom working for the menu which assigned to navigation section only(stick the navigation section on the top when scrolling up), the offcanvas menu (hamburger icon) is not assigned to navigation section.
The solution:
Create custom javascript code then moved the icon into navigation section 🙂
Example:(function($) { // Move the Offcanvas Toggle button in the Header $(document).ready(function() { $("div.g-offcanvas-toggle:not(.offcanvas-toggle-particle)").prependTo($("#g-navigation")); }); })(jQuery);
NOTE: We just created free sticky atom (uikit3) for Joomla/Grav/Wordpress, you can grab it here (We will add the package for free particle collection soon).
The JL nav sticky support sticky feature and sticky on scroll up like headroom atom. It also support device sizes for mobile/tablet. You can remove the headroom atom and use the nav sticky instead.@Magh Samana: With nav sticky atom, now you can enable/disable sticky for mobile devices 🙂
Thank you
TonyModeratorHi Giora,
We just added minor fixes for Gantry5 particles recently.Changelog:
+ Added Menu Canvas Particle (Joomla/Wordpress).
+ Added Sort ordering for News ticker (Joomla/Wordpress).
^ Improved RTL Layout Mode (Utility)
^ Improved RTL for Testimonial, Timeline Joomla/WP/Gav
# Fixed Light Gallery Image missing on RTL
# Fixed Back To Top missing iconLearn more:
TonyModeratorHi Giora,
We will add the article order feature for News Sticker in the next release (this weekend).
Thank you
TonyModeratorYou’re welcome.
TonyModeratorHi Jean,
JL Content Grid added jl-margin-top css class for the button by default (margin-top: 20px)
However, I didn’t see the css code render for the button, it seems you didn’t add the Uikit3 for gantry5 atom. Please take a look
TonyModeratorYou’re welcome 🙂
TonyModeratorHi Wolf,
Particles is not a Joomla extension that why you can not install it via Joomla extension manager. You need to copy files manually into your theme directory to use the particles via Gantry 5 layout.
See concept
Gantry 5 doc
Our document for particle implementation“The Light Gallery in the Double Template has only a limited choice of options; where is the Light Gallery with all options?
The light gallery from double theme is 1.x version, you can implement the 2x version for more options.
TonyModeratorVersion 3.3 is UIKIT library VERSION. 2.1.0 is particle Version.
TonyModeratorHi Johan,
“is particles 2.1.0 update part of the free particles?”
“when i check Uikit version i still have 2.1.0 and not 3.3.0”
You can check the Uikit3 for Gantry 5 atom via template settings -> base outline
TonyModerator“I think I found it: the lightcase and the UIkit3 atoms have to be turn on. That’s it, right?”
For modal module you just need Uikit3 atom :), its correct.“Would be great to have a reminder in the particles, if an atom is needed to be loaded. Though I know, this is lots of work.”
Most particles are using Uikit 3 js/css so you need to enable the uikit 3 for gantry 5 atom first. We already mentioned about this in our documentation
For next time, please help us submit technical questions via our ticket system.
Thank you