Slideshow Joomla/WordPress Particle
# Slideshow Joomla Package contents
Files Description jlslideshowjoomla.yaml Contains the Slideshow Joomla particle settings. jlslideshowjoomla.html.twig The Twig file to pull information, settings. -
# Slideshow WordPress Package contents
Files Description jlslideshowwp.yaml Contains the Slideshow WordPress particle settings. jlslideshowwp.html.twig The Twig file to pull information, settings. -
# Slideshow Grav Package contents
Files Description jlslideshowgrav.yaml Contains the Slideshow Grav particle settings. jlslideshowgrav.html.twig The Twig file to pull information, settings.
Installation Installing the particle on your website is a really simple process. You can refer to the document here to know more.
Requirements Slideshow Joomla/Wordpress/Grav require Uikit 3 for Gantry 5 Atom to be installed and enabled in your theme layout settings.
Go to Template/Theme Settings > select the Layout to add Slideshow particle (i.e: Home) -> Layout tab -> Drag and drop the Slideshow Particle from Particles panel (left corner) to the section you want to display the slideshow.
Tab Articles
Settings | Description |
Categories | Select the categories the articles should be taken from. |
Articles | Enter the Joomla articles that should be shown. It should be a list of article IDs separated with a comma (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5). |
Featured Articles | Select how Featured articles should be filtered. |
Number of Articles | Enter the maximum number of articles to display. |
Start From | Enter offset specifying the first article to return. The default is ‘0’ (the first article). |
Order By | Select how the articles should be ordered by. |
Ordering Direction | Select the direction the articles should be ordered by. |
Display Style Settings | Common settings for Display Style |
Image | Select if and what image of the article should be shown. |
Prepare Content | Use Joomla Content Plugins |
Show Edit Link | Display a link to the article edit form |
Title | Select if the article title should be shown. |
Title Limit | Enter the maximum number of characters the article title should be limited to. |
Article Text | Select if and how the article text should be shown. |
Text Limit | Type in the number of characters the article text should be limited to. |
Text Formatting | Select the formatting you want to use to display the article text. |
Slideshow Settings | Common settings for Slideshow |
Height | The slideshow always takes up full width, and the height will adapt automatically based on the defined ratio. Alternatively, the height can adapt to the height of the viewport. Note: Make sure, no height is set in the section settings when using one of the viewport options. |
Ratio | Set a ratio. It’s recommended to use the same ratio of the background image. Just use its width and height, like 1600:900. |
Min Height | Use an optional minimum height to prevent the slideshow from becoming smaller than its content on small devices. Min 200 Max 800 |
Max Height | Set the maximum height. Min 500 Max 1600. This option won’t have any effect unless Height(Viewport modes) are enabled. |
Text Color | Set light or dark color mode for text, buttons and controls. This option won’t have any effect If Overlay Style is enabled. |
Box Shadow | Select the image’s box shadow size. |
Extra Bottom Shadow | Add extra bottom shadow below the slideshow. |
CSS Classes | CSS class name for the particle. |
Tag Attributes | Extra Tag attributes. See more info here. |
Tab Control
Animation Settings Common settings for Slideshow Animation
Settings | Description |
Transition | Select the transition between two slides. |
Velocity | Set the velocity in pixels per milisecond. Min 20 Max 300. |
Autoplay | Enable autoplay for slideshow items. |
Interval | Set the autoplay interval in seconds. Min 5 Max 15. |
Pause On Hover | Pause autoplay on hover. |
Ken Burns Effect | Select the transformation origin for the Ken Burns animation. |
Duration | Set the duration for the Ken Burns effect in seconds. |
Navigation Settings Common settings for Slideshow Navigation
Settings | Description |
Navigation | Select the navigation type. |
Show Below Slideshow | Display the navigation below slideshow. |
Vertical navigation | Vertical navigation items |
Position | Select the position of the navigation if the navigation is NOT below the slideshow. |
Margin | Apply a margin between the navigation and the slideshow container. |
Show below slideshow | Display the navigation below slideshow |
Position Below | Align the navigation’s items if the navigation is below the slideshow. |
Margin Below | Apply a margin between the navigation and the slideshow container if the navigation is below the slideshow. |
Breakpoint | Display the navigation only on this device width and larger. |
Color | Set light or dark color if the navigation is below the slideshow. |
Thumbnail Width | Enter the image’s width if the navigation is Thumbnav. |
Thumbnail Height | Enter the image’s height if the navigation is Thumbnav. |
Thumbnav Style Customize the border color for Thumbnav. You need to set the Navigation type to Thumbnav to use these features.
Settings | Description |
Border Width | Customize border width color, i.e: 5. |
Border Color | Customize the thumbnav Border Color. |
Border Hover Color | Customize the Border Hover Color on hover/click. |
Slidenav Settings Defines a navigation with previous and next buttons to flip through slideshows.
Settings | Description |
Position | Select the position of the slidenav. |
Show On Hover | Show the slide nav on hover only. |
Larger Style | To increase the size of the slidenav icons. |
Margin | Apply a margin between the slidenav and the slideshow container. |
Breakpoint | Display the slidenav only on this device width and larger. |
Outside Breakpoint | Display the slidenav only outside on this device width and larger. Otherwise it will be displayed inside. |
Outside Color | Set light or dark color if the slidenav is outside of the slideshow. |
Previous Icon | Custom Previous icons using icon Picker |
Next Icon | Custom Next icons using icon Picker |
Style Tab
Title Settings Common settings for Title Style
Settings | Description |
Style | Heading styles differ in font-size but may also come with a predefined color, size and font. |
Link title | Link the title if a link exists. |
Hover Style | Set the hover style for a linked title. Enable link title to use this option. |
Decoration | Decorate the headline with a divider, bullet or a line that is vertically centered to the heading. |
Predefined Color | Select a predefined text color. |
Custom Color | Customize the title color instead using predefined title color mode. You need to set the predefined color to None to use the customize color option. |
Font Size | Customize the title text font size. |
Transform | The following options will transform text into uppercased, capitalized or lowercased characters. |
HTML Element | Choose one of the elements to fit your semantic structure. |
Margin Top | Set the top margin. |
Title Parallax | Add a parallax effect for Title. This option won’t have any effect unless the Parallax animation for Overlay is selected. |
Meta Settings Common settings for Meta Style
Settings | Description |
Style | Display the meta text in a sentence or a horizontal list. |
Subnav Style | Select the subnav style for Meta List Style. |
Author | Select if the article author should be shown. |
Author Meta | Translate or replace the Author meta text for Sentence Style. Default: Written by |
Date | Select if the article date should be shown. |
Date Format | Select preferred date format. Leave empty not to display a date. |
Date Meta | Translate or replace the Date meta text for Sentence Style. Default: on |
Category | Select if and how the article category should be shown. |
Category Meta | Translate or replace the Category meta text for Sentence Style. Default: Posted in |
Hits | Select if the article hits should be shown. |
Predefined Color | Select the predefined meta color. |
Custom Color | Customize the meta color. Set Predefined Color for Meta to None before using this feature. |
Font Size | Customize the title text font size. |
Transform | The following options will transform text into uppercased, capitalized or lowercased characters. |
Alignment | Align the meta text above/below the title or below the content. |
Margin Top | Set the top margin. |
Meta Parallax | Add a parallax effect for Meta. This option won’t have any effect unless the Parallax animation for Overlay is selected. |
Content Settings Common settings for Content Style
Settings | Description |
Style | Select a predefined text style, including color, size and font-family. |
Predefined Color | Select the predefined meta color. |
Content Color | Customize the content color instead using predefined text color. You need to set the predefined color to None to use the customize color option. |
Font Size | Customize the content text font size. |
Transform | The following options will transform text into uppercased, capitalized or lowercased characters. |
Margin Top | Set the top margin. |
Content Parallax | Add a parallax effect for Content. This option won’t have any effect unless the Parallax animation for Overlay is selected. |
Link Settings Common settings for Link Style
Settings | Description |
Target | Target browser window when item is clicked. |
Text | Enter the text for the link. |
Style | Set the button style. |
Button Size | Set the button size. |
Margin Top | Set the top margin. |
Button Parallax | Add a parallax effect for Link. This option won’t have any effect unless the Parallax animation for Overlay is selected. |
Slidenav Style Settings Customize the color for Slidenav Style
Settings | Description |
Background | Customize slidenav background color. |
Color | Customize the slidenav color |
Padding Horizontal | Customize the horiozontal padding for slidenav button icon. |
Padding Vertical | Customize the vertical padding for slidenav button icon. |
Hover Background | Customize the hover background color. |
Hover Color | Customize the hover color for slidenav button (prev/next). |
Overlay tab
Settings | Description |
Container Width | Set the maximum content width. Note: The section may already have a maximum width, which you cannot exceed. |
Container Padding | Set the vertical container padding to position the overlay. This option won’t have any effect unless Container Width are enabled. |
Margin | Apply a margin between the overlay and the slideshow container. This option won’t have any effect unless Container Width are enabled. |
Position | Set the padding between the overlay and its content. |
Style | Select the style for the overlay. |
Color | Set light or dark color mode (example if you use Overlay primary or tile primary style, you can set the Light color for overlay content) |
Padding | Set the padding between the overlay and its content. This option won’t have any effect unless Overlay Style is enabled. |
Width | Set a fixed width. |
Animation | Choose between a parallax depending on the scroll position or an animation, which is applied once the slide is active. |
Parallax Tab
Settings | Description |
Parallax Settings | Common settings for Title/Meta/Content and Link Parallax. |
Horizontal Start / Horizontal End | Animate the horizontal position (translateX) in pixels. Min:-600 and Max:600 |
Vertical Start / Vertical End | Animate the vertical position (translateY) in pixels. Min:-600 and Max:600 |
Scale Start / Scale End | Animate the scaling. 100 means 100% scale, 200 means 200% scale, and 50 means 50% scale. Min 30 and Max:400 |
Rotate Start / Rotate End | Animate the rotation clockwise in degrees. NOTE: Min 0 and Max 360 |
Opacity Start / Opacity End | Animate the opacity. 100 means 100% opacity, 0 means 0% opacity and 50 means 50%. NOTE: Min 0 and Max 100 |
General, Parallax and Parallax Background tab
Please take a look the documentation here for more detail about these tabs settings