Forum Replies Created
MichaelSubscriberHi Kevin,
Accordion Particles hidden.
I need administrator account to test.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Marcelo Lopez Anido,
INSTALACIONES and BRINDAMOS have been revised,
Are you satisfied?
MichaelSubscriberHi Kevin,
I need administrator account to fix problem, Please send me when you are allowed by the customer
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Marcelo Lopez Anido,
Could you please send the administrator account for me, I will fix that for you.
NOTE: You can send PRIVATE REPLY by following
Thank you
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
MichaelSubscriberHi Kevin,
Ok, You capture screen accorion particles for me
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Kevin,
Could you please send the administrator account for me to take a look?
MichaelSubscriberHi Kevin,
All current particles use uikit ver 2.
Your problem is to use UIkit 3.0.0-beta.38.
You should use uikit ver 2 for the template or send the administrator account for me, I will fix that for you.
Currently we are writing ver 1.0.2 for particles and atoms based on uikit 3.
MichaelSubscriberHi mixmaster2008,
Could you please send the administrator account for me to take a look?
NOTE: You can send PRIVATE REPLY by following
MichaelSubscriberHi Malex,
Just replace the code from cookieconsent.html.twig with the code below
{% extends '@nucleus/partials/particle.html.twig' %} {% block particle %} {% assets in 'head' with {priority: 0} %} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url('gantry-theme://css/cookieconsent.min.css') }}"/> {% endassets -%} {% set color = particle.color %} {% scripts in 'footer' with {priority: 10} %} <script src="{{ url('gantry-theme://js/cookieconsent.min.js') }}"></script> <!-- Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide - --> <script> window.addEventListener("load", function() { window.cookieconsent.initialise({ "palette": { "popup": { "background": "{{color.banner == "" ? "#000000" : color.banner}}", "text": "{{color.bannertext == "" ? " #ffffff" : color.bannertext}}" }, "button": { {% if particle.layout == "wire" %} "background": "transparent", "border": "{{color.buttontext == "" ? "#000000" : color.buttontext}}", {% else %} "background": "{{color.button == "" ? "#f1d600" : color.button}}", {% endif %} "text": "{{color.buttontext == "" ? "#000000" : color.buttontext}}" } }, {% if (particle.layout != "default") and (particle.layout != "wire") %} "theme": "{{particle.layout}}", {% endif %} {% if particle.position != "default" %} {% if particle.position == "top2" %} "position": "top", "static": true, {% else %} "position": "{{particle.position}}", {% endif %} {% endif %} "content": { "message": "{{particle.message|e('js')}}", "dismiss": "{{particle.dismiss}}", "link": "{{particle.readmore}}", {% if particle.policy != "" %} "href": "{{particle.policy}}" {% endif %} } }) }); </script> <!-- End Cookie Consent plugin --> {% endscripts %} {% endblock %}
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Diana Hoh,
Update: If you are new with our template and Gantry5 framework, I recommend you check our quickstart package first to see whole settings 🙂, the documentation for quickstart installing here
Gantry5 documentation :
Check our gantry5 particle page to see how to implement any Particle for joomla template
Note: If you didn’t start with our quickstart package, only template itself, I can provide the Unite slider extension so You can install it for joomla and create a slider by yourself.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Diana Hoh,
Please review the Homemaker documentation at the link below.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi maryamlotfi,
Try searching for the IRANSANS font in Base Ouline (Style tabs) -> (Font Families).
If not found, you follow these steps to custom fonts IRANSANS.
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Diana Hoh,
Have you use template Homemaker.
You want change the logo and all particles, You can do that easily by editing the settings of the “Logo” particle:
Thank you
MichaelSubscriberHi Pete & Tom,
Could you please send the administrator account for me to take a look?
NOTE: You can send PRIVATE REPLY by following
MichaelSubscriberHi tithij,
I’m sorry for the late response, it was weekend. To change the content width, please do following.
Base Outline (Style Tabs) -> Configuration Styles
Thank you
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by